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synced 2025-02-04 12:28:35 +00:00
Added a victory screen. Since there is no current way to win, there is a 'win' button added to the top left of the game screen. Once clicked, victory text will appear and the player will be given the option to return to the main menu.
56 lines
1.7 KiB
56 lines
1.7 KiB
extends Control
signal game_ready
onready var Ships = ["2Ship", "3ShipA", "3ShipB", "4Ship", "5Ship"]
onready var Victory = preload("res://scenes/Game/Player.tscn")
class ShipData:
var Position: Vector2
var Length: int
var Orientation: bool # (True = vertical) (False = horizontal)
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
# Moves the focus to this menu
if find_next_valid_focus(): find_next_valid_focus().grab_focus()
func _on_Confirm_Placement_pressed():
# Make the button noise
var valid = true
for ship in Ships:
# validate_placement returns the x-axis distance from the board
# if this is more than zero, the ship is invalid
if get_node(ship).validate_placement():
valid = false
print ("Placement: ", valid)
if valid == false:
#Saves the location of ships and length of ship into an array
var shipLocation = []
for ship in Ships:
var location = ShipData.new()
location.Position = get_node(ship).position
location.Length = get_node(ship).get("ship_length")
location.Orientation = get_node(ship).get("vertical")
#print out the array for testing
for x in shipLocation:
print("Ship Length: ", x.Length, ", Ship Orientation: ", x.Orientation, ", Ship Position: ", x.Position)
# Return the shipLocation array to those listening on game_ready
emit_signal("game_ready", shipLocation)
return valid # Replace with function body.
func _on_Clear_pressed():
for ship in Ships:
pass # Replace with function body.