2021-10-19 00:10:13 -05:00
extends Control
2021-10-19 22:14:30 -05:00
# Declare member variables here.
2021-10-20 02:26:32 -05:00
var debug_output
var debug_line = 0
2021-10-19 22:14:30 -05:00
var debug_canvas
var debug_transform
2021-10-19 00:10:13 -05:00
2021-10-19 22:14:30 -05:00
var debug_active = false
var menu_position = 0.0
2021-10-20 01:05:39 -05:00
var menu_velocity = 4
2021-10-19 00:10:13 -05:00
2021-10-19 22:14:30 -05:00
# positions when the menu is hidden/active
2021-10-20 02:26:32 -05:00
var menu_hidden = Transform2D(Vector2(1,0), Vector2(0,1), Vector2(0,-170))
2021-10-19 22:14:30 -05:00
var menu_active = Transform2D(Vector2(1,0), Vector2(0,1), Vector2(0, 0))
2021-10-19 00:10:13 -05:00
2021-10-20 03:18:06 -05:00
# signals
signal clear_line
signal print_text(text)
2021-10-19 00:10:13 -05:00
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
2021-10-20 02:26:32 -05:00
2021-10-19 22:14:30 -05:00
debug_canvas = get_node("debug_canvas")
debug_transform = debug_canvas.get_transform()
2021-10-20 02:26:32 -05:00
debug_output = get_node("debug_canvas/VBoxContainer/TextEdit")
2021-10-19 00:10:13 -05:00
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
2021-10-19 22:14:30 -05:00
func _process(delta):
if (debug_active && menu_position < 1):
menu_position += menu_velocity * delta;
elif (!debug_active && menu_position > 0):
menu_position -= menu_velocity * delta;
menu_position = round(menu_position)
debug_canvas.set_transform(menu_hidden.interpolate_with(menu_active, menu_position))
2021-10-20 03:18:06 -05:00
func _input(event):
2021-10-19 22:14:30 -05:00
if event.is_action_pressed("ui_debug"):
# open debug menu
debug_active = !debug_active;
2021-10-20 00:40:31 -05:00
2021-10-20 02:26:32 -05:00
func _on_LineEdit_text_entered(line):
2021-10-20 03:18:06 -05:00
2021-10-20 02:26:32 -05:00
var command = line.split(' ', true, 1)
if command.size() > 0:
match command[0]:
2021-10-20 03:18:06 -05:00
2021-10-20 02:26:32 -05:00
if command.size() > 1:
MessageBus.emit_signal("change_scene", command[1])
2021-10-20 03:18:06 -05:00
debug_print_line("start '" + command[1] + "'\n".c_unescape())
2021-10-20 02:26:32 -05:00
2021-10-20 03:18:06 -05:00
debug_print_line("Usage: start scene")
2021-10-20 02:26:32 -05:00
2021-10-20 03:18:06 -05:00
if command.size() > 1 and command[1] != "Debug":
2021-10-20 02:26:32 -05:00
MessageBus.emit_signal("kill_scene", command[1])
2021-10-20 03:18:06 -05:00
debug_print_line("kill '" + command[1] + "'\n".c_unescape())
2021-10-20 02:26:32 -05:00
debug_print_line("Usage: kill scene")
2021-10-20 03:18:06 -05:00
if command.size() > 1:
var mbus_signal = command[1].split(' ', true, 1)
match mbus_signal.size():
2: MessageBus.emit_signal(mbus_signal[0], mbus_signal[1])
1: MessageBus.emit_signal(mbus_signal[0])
0: debug_print_line( "Usage: raw_emit signal [value]\n")
debug_print_line("BY YOUR COMMAND.\n")
2021-10-20 00:40:31 -05:00
2021-10-20 02:26:32 -05:00
func debug_print_line(string):
2021-10-20 03:18:06 -05:00
emit_signal("print_text", string.c_unescape())