2021-11-13 04:34:39 -06:00
extends Control
signal game_ready
onready var Ships = ["2Ship", "3ShipA", "3ShipB", "4Ship", "5Ship"]
2021-11-14 00:34:51 -06:00
onready var Victory = preload("res://scenes/Game/Player.tscn")
2021-11-14 02:50:39 -06:00
var light_theme = load("res://light_theme.tres")
var dark_theme = load("res://dark_theme.tres")
2021-11-13 04:34:39 -06:00
class ShipData:
var Position: Vector2
var Length: int
var Orientation: bool # (True = vertical) (False = horizontal)
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
# Moves the focus to this menu
if find_next_valid_focus(): find_next_valid_focus().grab_focus()
2021-11-14 02:50:39 -06:00
get_node("PlaceShipDialog").get_ok().rect_min_size.x = 50
var _errno = 0;
_errno += OptionsController.connect("change_theme", self, "_on_change_theme")
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func _on_Confirm_Placement_pressed():
# Make the button noise
var valid = true
for ship in Ships:
# validate_placement returns the x-axis distance from the board
# if this is more than zero, the ship is invalid
if get_node(ship).validate_placement():
valid = false
print ("Placement: ", valid)
if valid == false:
#Saves the location of ships and length of ship into an array
var shipLocation = []
for ship in Ships:
var location = ShipData.new()
location.Position = get_node(ship).position
location.Length = get_node(ship).get("ship_length")
location.Orientation = get_node(ship).get("vertical")
#print out the array for testing
for x in shipLocation:
print("Ship Length: ", x.Length, ", Ship Orientation: ", x.Orientation, ", Ship Position: ", x.Position)
# Return the shipLocation array to those listening on game_ready
emit_signal("game_ready", shipLocation)
return valid # Replace with function body.
func _on_Clear_pressed():
for ship in Ships:
pass # Replace with function body.
2021-11-14 02:50:39 -06:00
func _on_change_theme(theme):
if theme == "light":
elif theme == "dark":