Unit tests: Add more lexer tests, add parser tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
use super::*;
macro_rules! lex {
(type ($t:tt), $expected:expr) => {
let token = Lexer::new(stringify!($t)).scan().expect(stringify!($t:tt should yield a valid token));
(type ($($t:tt)*), $expected:expr) => {
let token = Lexer::new(stringify!($($t)*)).scan().expect(stringify!($($t:tt)* should yield a valid token));
assert_eq!(token.kind, $expected);
(str $t:literal, $expected:expr) => {
let token = Lexer::new($t).scan().expect(stringify!($t:tt should yield a valid token));
assert_eq!(token.kind, $expected);
({ $($t:tt)* }) => {
@ -40,27 +44,132 @@ fn no_operand_emulated() {
lex!(type (eint), TokenKind::NoEm(NoEm::Eint)); // eint should be a valid NoEm
fn br() {
lex!(type (br), TokenKind::Special(Special::Br));
fn one_operand_emulated() {
lex!(type (pop), TokenKind::OneEm(OneEm::Pop));
lex!(type (rla), TokenKind::OneEm(OneEm::Rla));
lex!(type (rlc), TokenKind::OneEm(OneEm::Rlc));
lex!(type (inv), TokenKind::OneEm(OneEm::Inv));
lex!(type (clr), TokenKind::OneEm(OneEm::Clr));
lex!(type (tst), TokenKind::OneEm(OneEm::Tst));
lex!(type (dec), TokenKind::OneEm(OneEm::Dec));
lex!(type (decd), TokenKind::OneEm(OneEm::Decd));
lex!(type (inc), TokenKind::OneEm(OneEm::Inc));
lex!(type (incd), TokenKind::OneEm(OneEm::Incd));
lex!(type (adc), TokenKind::OneEm(OneEm::Adc));
lex!(type (dadc), TokenKind::OneEm(OneEm::Dadc));
lex!(type (sbc), TokenKind::OneEm(OneEm::Sbc));
fn one_operand() {
lex!(type (rrc), TokenKind::OneArg(OneArg::Rrc));
lex!(type (swpb), TokenKind::OneArg(OneArg::Swpb));
lex!(type (rra), TokenKind::OneArg(OneArg::Rra));
lex!(type (sxt), TokenKind::OneArg(OneArg::Sxt));
lex!(type (push), TokenKind::OneArg(OneArg::Push));
lex!(type (call), TokenKind::OneArg(OneArg::Call));
lex!(type (reti), TokenKind::OneArg(OneArg::Reti));
fn two_operand() {
lex!(type (mov), TokenKind::TwoArg(TwoArg::Mov));
lex!(type (add), TokenKind::TwoArg(TwoArg::Add));
lex!(type (addc), TokenKind::TwoArg(TwoArg::Addc));
lex!(type (subc), TokenKind::TwoArg(TwoArg::Subc));
lex!(type (sub), TokenKind::TwoArg(TwoArg::Sub));
lex!(type (cmp), TokenKind::TwoArg(TwoArg::Cmp));
lex!(type (dadd), TokenKind::TwoArg(TwoArg::Dadd));
lex!(type (bit), TokenKind::TwoArg(TwoArg::Bit));
lex!(type (bic), TokenKind::TwoArg(TwoArg::Bic));
lex!(type (bis), TokenKind::TwoArg(TwoArg::Bis));
lex!(type (xor), TokenKind::TwoArg(TwoArg::Xor));
lex!(type (and), TokenKind::TwoArg(TwoArg::And));
fn jump() {
lex!(type (jne), TokenKind::Jump(Jump::Jne));
lex!(type (jnz), TokenKind::Jump(Jump::Jnz));
lex!(type (jeq), TokenKind::Jump(Jump::Jeq));
lex!(type (jz), TokenKind::Jump(Jump::Jz));
lex!(type (jnc), TokenKind::Jump(Jump::Jnc));
lex!(type (jlo), TokenKind::Jump(Jump::Jlo));
lex!(type (jc), TokenKind::Jump(Jump::Jc));
lex!(type (jhs), TokenKind::Jump(Jump::Jhs));
lex!(type (jn), TokenKind::Jump(Jump::Jn));
lex!(type (jge), TokenKind::Jump(Jump::Jge));
lex!(type (jl), TokenKind::Jump(Jump::Jl));
lex!(type (jmp), TokenKind::Jump(Jump::Jmp));
fn registers() {
lex!(type(pc), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::PC));
lex!(type(sp), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::SP));
lex!(type(sr), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::SR));
lex!(type(cg), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::CG));
lex!(type(r0), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::PC));
lex!(type(r1), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::SP));
lex!(type(r2), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::SR));
lex!(type(r3), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::CG));
lex!(type(r4), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::R4));
lex!(type(r5), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::R5));
lex!(type(r6), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::R6));
lex!(type(r7), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::R7));
lex!(type(r8), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::R8));
lex!(type(r9), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::R9));
lex!(type(r10), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::R10));
lex!(type(r11), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::R11));
lex!(type(r12), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::R12));
lex!(type(r13), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::R13));
lex!(type(r14), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::R14));
lex!(type(r15), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::R15));
lex!(type (pc), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::PC));
lex!(type (sp), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::SP));
lex!(type (sr), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::SR));
lex!(type (cg), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::CG));
lex!(type (r0), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::PC));
lex!(type (r1), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::SP));
lex!(type (r2), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::SR));
lex!(type (r3), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::CG));
lex!(type (r4), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::R4));
lex!(type (r5), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::R5));
lex!(type (r6), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::R6));
lex!(type (r7), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::R7));
lex!(type (r8), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::R8));
lex!(type (r9), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::R9));
lex!(type (r10), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::R10));
lex!(type (r11), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::R11));
lex!(type (r12), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::R12));
lex!(type (r13), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::R13));
lex!(type (r14), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::R14));
lex!(type (r15), TokenKind::Reg(Reg::R15));
// TODO: opcode tests, misc. special character tests, etc.
fn delimiters() {
lex!(str "", TokenKind::Eof);
lex!(str "\n", TokenKind::Newline);
lex!(str "(", TokenKind::OpenParen);
lex!(str ")", TokenKind::CloseParen);
lex!(str "{", TokenKind::OpenCurly);
lex!(str "}", TokenKind::CloseCurly);
lex!(str "[", TokenKind::OpenBrace);
lex!(str "]", TokenKind::CloseBrace);
fn comment() {
lex!(str "; this is a comment!\n\n", TokenKind::Comment);
fn other() {
// lex!(type (), TokenKind::)
lex!(type (,), TokenKind::Comma);
lex!(type (:), TokenKind::Colon);
lex!(type (!), TokenKind::Bang);
lex!(type (@), TokenKind::At);
lex!(type (&), TokenKind::Amp);
lex!(type (|), TokenKind::Bar);
lex!(type (^), TokenKind::Caret);
lex!(type (*), TokenKind::Star);
lex!(type (#), TokenKind::Hash);
lex!(type ($), TokenKind::Dollar);
lex!(type (%), TokenKind::Percent);
lex!(type (+), TokenKind::Plus);
lex!(type (-), TokenKind::Minus);
lex!(type (/), TokenKind::Slash);
lex!(type (<<), TokenKind::Lsh);
lex!(type (>>), TokenKind::Rsh);
lex!(type (.directive), TokenKind::Directive);
lex!(type (identifier), TokenKind::Identifier);
lex!(type (.b), TokenKind::Byte);
lex!(type (.w), TokenKind::Word);
fn ignores_leading_whitespace() {
lex!(str " \u{a0}\t\t\t\t\t\t\t-", TokenKind::Minus);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
use super::*;
use crate::lexer::token;
/// Because [assert_matches](core::assert_matches::assert_matches) is unstable
macro_rules! assert_matches {
($e: expr, $($p: pat $(if $condition:expr)?)* ) => {
match $e {
$($p $(if $condition)? => (),)*
_ => panic!("{}", stringify!($e did not match $($p),*)),
/// Simplified grammar for constructing an expression
macro_rules! expr {
($ident:ident) => {
($lit:literal) => {
(& $lit:literal) => {
(($($t:tt)*)) => {
([$($op:tt)*] $($t:tt)*) => {
Expr::Unary(vec![$(UnOp::$op),*], expr!($($t)*))
(($($a:tt)*) $($op:tt ($($b:tt)*))+) => {
Expr::Binary(expr!($($a)*), vec![$((BinOp::$op, expr!($($b)*))),+])
macro_rules! passert {
($expected:expr, $text:literal) => {
assert_eq!($expected, Parsable::parse($text).unwrap())
// #[test]
// fn statements() {
// passert!(, "");
// }
// #[test]
// fn statement() {
// passert!(, "");
// }
fn directive() {
passert!(Directive::Org(expr!(0x8000)), ".org 0x8000");
passert!(Directive::String("Hello, world!"), ".string \"Hello, world!\"");
assert_eq!(Directive::parse(".word 0x40").unwrap(), Directive::Word(expr!(0x40)));
Directive::Words(vec![expr!(0x40), expr!(0x41), expr!(0x42), expr!(0x43)]),
".words [ 0x40 0x41 0x42 0x43 ]"
// #[test]
// fn instruction() {
// passert!(, "");
// }
fn instruction_kind() {
assert_matches!(Parsable::parse("nop").unwrap(), InstructionKind::NoEm(NoEm { .. }));
assert_matches!(Parsable::parse("pop sp").unwrap(), InstructionKind::OneEm(OneEm { .. }));
fn no_em() {
passert!(NoEm { opcode: token::NoEm::Nop }, "nop");
passert!(NoEm { opcode: token::NoEm::Ret }, "ret");
passert!(NoEm { opcode: token::NoEm::Clrc }, "clrc");
passert!(NoEm { opcode: token::NoEm::Clrz }, "clrz");
passert!(NoEm { opcode: token::NoEm::Clrn }, "clrn");
passert!(NoEm { opcode: token::NoEm::Setc }, "setc");
passert!(NoEm { opcode: token::NoEm::Setz }, "setz");
passert!(NoEm { opcode: token::NoEm::Setn }, "setn");
passert!(NoEm { opcode: token::NoEm::Dint }, "dint");
passert!(NoEm { opcode: token::NoEm::Eint }, "eint");
fn one_em() {
const dst: Dst = Dst::Direct(Reg::R15);
let width = Width::Word;
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Pop, width, dst }, "pop r15");
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Rla, width, dst }, "rla r15");
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Rlc, width, dst }, "rlc r15");
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Inv, width, dst }, "inv r15");
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Clr, width, dst }, "clr r15");
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Tst, width, dst }, "tst r15");
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Dec, width, dst }, "dec r15");
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Decd, width, dst }, "decd r15");
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Inc, width, dst }, "inc r15");
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Incd, width, dst }, "incd r15");
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Adc, width, dst }, "adc r15");
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Dadc, width, dst }, "dadc r15");
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Sbc, width, dst }, "sbc r15");
let width = Width::Byte;
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Pop, width, dst }, "pop.b r15");
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Rla, width, dst }, "rla.b r15");
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Rlc, width, dst }, "rlc.b r15");
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Inv, width, dst }, "inv.b r15");
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Clr, width, dst }, "clr.b r15");
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Tst, width, dst }, "tst.b r15");
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Dec, width, dst }, "dec.b r15");
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Decd, width, dst }, "decd.b r15");
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Inc, width, dst }, "inc.b r15");
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Incd, width, dst }, "incd.b r15");
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Adc, width, dst }, "adc.b r15");
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Dadc, width, dst }, "dadc.b r15");
passert!(OneEm { opcode: token::OneEm::Sbc, width, dst }, "sbc.b r15");
fn one_arg() {
const src: Src = Src::Direct(Reg::PC);
let width = Width::Word;
passert!(OneArg { opcode: token::OneArg::Rrc, width, src }, "rrc pc");
passert!(OneArg { opcode: token::OneArg::Swpb, width, src }, "swpb pc");
passert!(OneArg { opcode: token::OneArg::Rra, width, src }, "rra pc");
passert!(OneArg { opcode: token::OneArg::Sxt, width, src }, "sxt pc");
passert!(OneArg { opcode: token::OneArg::Push, width, src }, "push pc");
passert!(OneArg { opcode: token::OneArg::Call, width, src }, "call pc");
let width = Width::Byte;
passert!(OneArg { opcode: token::OneArg::Rrc, width, src }, "rrc.b pc");
passert!(OneArg { opcode: token::OneArg::Swpb, width, src }, "swpb.b pc");
passert!(OneArg { opcode: token::OneArg::Rra, width, src }, "rra.b pc");
passert!(OneArg { opcode: token::OneArg::Sxt, width, src }, "sxt.b pc");
passert!(OneArg { opcode: token::OneArg::Push, width, src }, "push.b pc");
passert!(OneArg { opcode: token::OneArg::Call, width, src }, "call.b pc");
fn two_arg() {
const src: Src = Src::Direct(Reg::R14);
const dst: Dst = Dst::Direct(Reg::R15);
let width = Width::Word;
passert!(TwoArg { opcode: token::TwoArg::Mov, width, src, dst }, "mov r14, r15");
passert!(TwoArg { opcode: token::TwoArg::Add, width, src, dst }, "add r14, r15");
passert!(TwoArg { opcode: token::TwoArg::Addc, width, src, dst }, "addc r14, r15");
passert!(TwoArg { opcode: token::TwoArg::Subc, width, src, dst }, "subc r14, r15");
passert!(TwoArg { opcode: token::TwoArg::Sub, width, src, dst }, "sub r14, r15");
passert!(TwoArg { opcode: token::TwoArg::Cmp, width, src, dst }, "cmp r14, r15");
passert!(TwoArg { opcode: token::TwoArg::Dadd, width, src, dst }, "dadd r14, r15");
passert!(TwoArg { opcode: token::TwoArg::Bit, width, src, dst }, "bit r14, r15");
passert!(TwoArg { opcode: token::TwoArg::Bic, width, src, dst }, "bic r14, r15");
passert!(TwoArg { opcode: token::TwoArg::Bis, width, src, dst }, "bis r14, r15");
passert!(TwoArg { opcode: token::TwoArg::Xor, width, src, dst }, "xor r14, r15");
passert!(TwoArg { opcode: token::TwoArg::And, width, src, dst }, "and r14, r15");
let width = Width::Byte;
passert!(TwoArg { opcode: token::TwoArg::Mov, width, src, dst }, "mov.b r14, r15");
passert!(TwoArg { opcode: token::TwoArg::Add, width, src, dst }, "add.b r14, r15");
passert!(TwoArg { opcode: token::TwoArg::Addc, width, src, dst }, "addc.b r14, r15");
passert!(TwoArg { opcode: token::TwoArg::Subc, width, src, dst }, "subc.b r14, r15");
passert!(TwoArg { opcode: token::TwoArg::Sub, width, src, dst }, "sub.b r14, r15");
passert!(TwoArg { opcode: token::TwoArg::Cmp, width, src, dst }, "cmp.b r14, r15");
passert!(TwoArg { opcode: token::TwoArg::Dadd, width, src, dst }, "dadd.b r14, r15");
passert!(TwoArg { opcode: token::TwoArg::Bit, width, src, dst }, "bit.b r14, r15");
passert!(TwoArg { opcode: token::TwoArg::Bic, width, src, dst }, "bic.b r14, r15");
passert!(TwoArg { opcode: token::TwoArg::Bis, width, src, dst }, "bis.b r14, r15");
passert!(TwoArg { opcode: token::TwoArg::Xor, width, src, dst }, "xor.b r14, r15");
passert!(TwoArg { opcode: token::TwoArg::And, width, src, dst }, "and.b r14, r15");
fn jump() {
const dst100: JumpDst = JumpDst::Rel(100);
passert!(Jump { opcode: token::Jump::Jne, dst: dst100 }, "jne 100");
passert!(Jump { opcode: token::Jump::Jnz, dst: dst100 }, "jnz 100");
passert!(Jump { opcode: token::Jump::Jeq, dst: dst100 }, "jeq 100");
passert!(Jump { opcode: token::Jump::Jz, dst: dst100 }, "jz 100");
passert!(Jump { opcode: token::Jump::Jnc, dst: dst100 }, "jnc 100");
passert!(Jump { opcode: token::Jump::Jlo, dst: dst100 }, "jlo 100");
passert!(Jump { opcode: token::Jump::Jc, dst: dst100 }, "jc 100");
passert!(Jump { opcode: token::Jump::Jhs, dst: dst100 }, "jhs 100");
passert!(Jump { opcode: token::Jump::Jn, dst: dst100 }, "jn 100");
passert!(Jump { opcode: token::Jump::Jge, dst: dst100 }, "jge 100");
passert!(Jump { opcode: token::Jump::Jl, dst: dst100 }, "jl 100");
passert!(Jump { opcode: token::Jump::Jmp, dst: dst100 }, "jmp 100");
fn reti() {
passert!(Reti, "reti");
fn br() {
passert!(Br { src: Src::Direct(Reg::R15) }, "br r15");
fn width() {
passert!(Width::Byte, ".b");
passert!(Width::Word, ".w");
passert!(Width::Word, "");
fn src() {
passert!(Src::Direct(Reg::R15), "r15");
passert!(Src::Indexed(expr!(0x1000), Reg::R15), "0x1000(r15)");
passert!(Src::Indirect(Reg::R15), "@r15");
passert!(Src::PostInc(Reg::R15), "@r15+");
passert!(Src::Absolute(expr!(0x1000)), "&0x1000");
passert!(Src::Immediate(expr!(0x1000)), "#0x1000");
passert!(Src::BareExpr(expr!(foo)), "foo");
fn dst() {
passert!(Dst::Direct(Reg::R15), "r15");
passert!(Dst::Indexed(expr!(0x1000), Reg::R15), "0x1000(r15)");
passert!(Dst::Absolute(expr!(0x1000)), "&0x1000");
passert!(Dst::Special(DstSpecial::Zero), "#0");
passert!(Dst::Special(DstSpecial::One), "#1");
fn jump_dst() {
passert!(JumpDst::Rel(100), "100");
passert!(JumpDst::Rel(-100), "-100");
passert!(JumpDst::Label("foo"), "foo");
fn expr() {
// Terms=
passert!(expr!((1) Mul(2) Rem(3) Div(4)), "1 * 2 % 3 / 4");
// Factors
passert!(expr!((1) Add(2) Sub(3)), "1 + 2 - 3");
// Shift
passert!(expr!((1) Lsh(2) Rsh(3)), "1 << 2 >> 3");
// Bitwise logic
passert!(expr!((1) And(2) Or(3) Xor(4)), "1 & 2 | 3 ^ 4");
// Unary
passert!(expr!([Deref Neg Not] 1), "*-!1");
// Number
passert!(Expr::Number(42), "42");
// Identifier
passert!(Expr::Ident("foo"), "foo");
// Addrof
passert!(Expr::AddrOf("bar"), "&bar");
// Group
passert!(expr!((42)), "(42)");
// All of the above
(4) Mul(
(3) Add(
(2) Lsh(
(1) And([Neg] 1)
) Rsh([Deref] 2)
) Add([Not] 3)
) Mul(4)
"4 * 3 + 2 << 1 & -1 >> *2 + !3 * 4"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user