Implement hard mode, plus customization
game: - New flag `--hard`: Select from 3 levels of difficulty: - Greenie: only check greens - Hard: classic Wordle* hard mode - Grayless: All hints are checked, even gray letters - New flag: `--nokeyboard` disables the keyboard - Improved customization: - Box characters, colors, and keyboard layouts moved into wordlists! - Support for non-English alpha characters to be determined. It should work though, I think. - Most things are no longer hardcoded! The main function is still a bit of a spaghetti mess right now, though. To be fixed! dummy: - New customization parameters: - `"boxes"`: Strings to be printed when assembling the share string (from least to most significant order) - `"colors"`: Text colors, to be printed on-screen. Order: Gray, Yellow, Green, Text Color, Keyboard background - `"keyboard"`: The keyboard layout. One string per line, of keyboard.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
# lol
import game
import game
@ -5,11 +5,13 @@ Metadata = {
"name": "Dummy",
"version": "dummy",
"guesses": 4,
"launch": (2222, 2, 16)
"launch": (2222, 2, 16),
"boxes": ["[]", "!!", "<3", " ", " "],
"colors": [0x1666666, 0x1bb9900, 0x1008800, 0xe8e8e8, 0x1222222],
"keyboard": ["aaaaaaaaaa"], # max 10 keys per row, please
# Your custom list of non-answer words goes here
Words = [
"b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m",
"n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"]
Words = ["b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]
# Your custom list of answer-words goes here
Answers = ["a"]
@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ from signal import SIGINT
from os import get_terminal_size, terminal_size
# Provide a clean getaway
def end():
def end(*args, **kwargs):
exit(*args, **kwargs)
# Set up sigint handler
def handler(signum, frame):
@ -33,14 +33,16 @@ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='A barebones CLI Wordle clone, using official Wardle solutions. You have been warned.'
parser.add_argument('day', nargs="?", type=int, help="Wordle day number")
parser.add_argument('-g', metavar="guesses", type=int, help="number of guesses (limited by terminal size)")
parser.add_argument('-g', metavar="guesses", type=int, help="number of guesses (bounded by terminal size)")
parser.add_argument('--hard', metavar="0-3", \
nargs="?", const=2, type=int, help="0:normal 1:~greenie 2:*hard 3:+greyless")
parser.add_argument('--word', metavar="solution", help="force a particular word")
parser.add_argument('--list', metavar="wordlist", help="use a custom wordlist")
parser.add_argument('--classic', action='store_true', help="use the classic Wordle word list")
parser.add_argument('--nonsense', action='store_true', help="allow nonsensical guesses")
parser.add_argument('--hard', action='store_true', help="enable hard mode (wip)")
parser.add_argument('--center', action='store_true', help="center the screen")
# TODO: Implement hard mode properly (more than just a *)
parser.add_argument('--classic', action='store_true', help="use the classic Wordle word list")
#parser.add_argument('-c', action='store_true', help="enable colorblind mode") # TODO
parser.add_argument("--nokeyboard", action='store_true', help="disable the keyboard")
parser.add_argument('--nonsense', action='store_true', help="allow nonsensical guesses")
parser.add_argument('--center', action='store_true', help="center the screen")
# Parse the args
args = parser.parse_args()
@ -48,6 +50,16 @@ args = parser.parse_args()
# Handle the args
# Select the correct word list
Words, Answers, data = [], [], {"name":"", "version":"", "guesses":-1, "launch":(1970,1,1)}
default_data = {
"name": "",
"version": "-1",
"guesses": 6,
"launch": (2022, 2, 13),
"boxes": ["⬛", "🟨", "🟩", " ", " "],
"colors": [0x13a3a3c, 0x1b59f3b, 0x1538d4e, 0xd7dadc, 0x1121213],
"keyboard": ["qwertyuiop", "asdfghjkl", "zxcvbnm"+u"\u23CE"]
data = dict(default_data)
if not args.list:
args.list = "w2"
args.list = "w" if args.classic else args.list
@ -76,20 +88,32 @@ if args.word:
d = len(Answers) - 1 if d >= len(Answers) else 0 if d < 0 else d
solution = Answers[d]
# Bound hardmode
if not args.hard:
args.hard = 0
elif args.hard < 0:
args.hard = 0
elif args.hard > 3:
args.hard = 3
# End arg parsing
# ! The game is below this point
# Good data structures to have
# Load data
for key in default_data:
if key not in data:
data[key] = default_data[key]
# Box characters!
boxes = ["⬛", "🟨", "🟩", " ", " "]
colors= [0x13a3a3c, 0x1b59f3b, 0x1538d4e, 0xd7dadc, 0x1121213]
boxes = data["boxes"] if "boxes" in data else default_data["boxes"]
colors = data["colors"]
# Guesses go here
guesses = []
letters = [4] * 27
# Letter is in boxes
def wordbox(word, showword = 0):
@ -101,7 +125,8 @@ def wordbox(word, showword = 0):
if guess[i] == sol[i]:
# Mark the letter 'green' (2)
line[i] = GREEN
letters[letter_num(word[i])] = GREEN
if word[i] in letters:
letters[word[i]] = GREEN
# Remove letter from solution and guess
sol[i] = guess[i] = GRAY
# Yellow pass
@ -109,82 +134,135 @@ def wordbox(word, showword = 0):
if guess[i] and word[i] in sol:
# Mark the letter 'yellow' (1)
line[i] = YELLOW
letters[letter_num(word[i])] = YELLOW
if word[i] in letters:
l = letters[word[i]]
if l in (BLACK, GRAY): letters[word[i]] = YELLOW
# Remove letter from solution and guess
sol[sol.index(word[i])] = guess[i] = GRAY
# Gray pass
for i in range(len(word)):
if line[i] == GRAY:
letters[letter_num(word[i])] = GRAY
if word[i] in letters and \
line[i] == GRAY and letters[word[i]] == BLACK:
if word[i] in letters:
letters[word[i]] = GRAY
# Turn blocks into a string, and print it
output = ""
if showword:
# Move up to replace the input box
output += ui.m(0,-1)
for i in range(len(word)):
output += f"{c.c24(colors[WHITE])}{c.c24(colors[line[i]])} {word[i].upper()} {c.RESET}"
#output += c.c24(colors[3]) + c.c24(colors[line[i]]) + " " + word[i].upper() + " " + c.RESET
for i in line:
output += f"{c.c24(colors[WHITE])}{c.c24(colors[i])}{boxes[i]}{c.RESET}"
return output
return f"{output}\n"
def letter_num(char):
if ord('a') <= ord(char.lower()) <= ord('z'):
return ord(char.lower()) - ord('a')
return 26
letters = {}
keyboard = data["keyboard"]
def init_keeb():
for s in keyboard:
for char in s:
letters[char] = BLACK
def keeb(x, y):
if args.nokeyboard:
def colorify(string):
s = ""
for char in string:
s += c.c24(colors[letters[letter_num(char)]]) + " " + char + " " + c.RESET
s += c.c24(colors[letters[char]]) + " " + char + " " + c.RESET
return s
S = ["qwertyuiop", "asdfghjkl", "zxcvbnm"+u"\u23CE"]
for i in range(len(S)):
ui.uprint(x-(3*len(S[i])//2), y+i, colorify(S[i]))
for i in range(len(keyboard)):
ui.uprint(x-(3*len(keyboard[i])//2), y+i, colorify(keyboard[i]))
ORDINAL = ["1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", "5th"]
def hardmode(word, solution:str, level):
# If hard mode disabled, Continue
if not args.hard:
hints = {
GREEN: [],
GRAY: [],
BLACK: [],
# For each letter, record which state it has
for letter in word:
if letter not in letters:
letters[letter] = BLACK
# Green pass
if level >= 1:
for l in hints[GREEN]:
i = solution.find(l)
if i >= 0 and word[i] is not l:
ORDINAL = ["1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", "5th"]
return f"{ORDINAL[i]} letter must be {l}"
# Yellow pass
if level >= 2:
for l in hints[YELLOW]:
if l not in word:
return f"Guess must contain {l}"
# Gray pass
if level >= 3:
for l in hints[GRAY]:
if l in word:
return f"Guess must not contain {l}"
# intro: Print the intro text
def intro():
title = f"{data['name']} {d}{'*' if args.hard else ''}"
center = ui.m(-len(title)//2,0)
#spaces = ' ' * ((14 - len(title)) // 2)
# [ Wordle 100* ]
intro = f"{c.RESET}{center}{title}"
return intro
def intro(x, y):
# Assemble the text
HARDCHARS = [" ", "~", "*", "+"]
title = f"{data['name']} {d}{HARDCHARS[args.hard]}"
# Center the text
ui.uprint(x-(len(title)//2), y, f"{c.RESET}{title}")
def game():
thicc = {"top":0, "intro": 2, "field":max_guesses+1, "keeb": 0 if args.nokeyboard else 3}
x = ui.size[0]//2
ui.uprint(x, 0, intro())
# Print the title (2 rows)
# Field goes here (max_guesses+1) rows
# Print the keyboard
keeb(x, thicc["intro"] + thicc["field"])
words = Words + Answers
guess = 0
keeb(x, 3 + max_guesses)
while guess < max_guesses:
while len(guesses) < max_guesses:
# Calculate board's starting depth
health = 2 + len(guesses)
# lol i should probably use curses
user_input = ui.uinput(x-(len(solution)//2), len(guesses) + 2, c.clear()).lower()
# This provides some leniency for multiple-length-word lists,
user_input = ui.uinput(x-(len(solution)//2), health, f"{c.clear()}{c.c24(colors[WHITE])}").lower()
# This provides some leniency for multiple-length word lists,
# by first checking if the input is the length of the solution,
# and discarding without penalty otherwise.
if len(user_input) is len(solution) and (user_input in words or args.nonsense):
if s := hardmode(user_input, solution, args.hard):
ui.uprint(x-(len(s)//2), health, s)
elif len(user_input) is len(solution)and (user_input in words or args.nonsense):
# Add guesses to the guessed list, and put the word in boxes
ui.uprint(x-(len(solution)*3//2), len(guesses) + 2, wordbox(user_input, 1))
# Print the new keyboard
keeb(x+1, 3 + max_guesses)
# win condition
ui.uprint(x-(len(solution)*3//2), health, wordbox(user_input, 1))
# update the keeb
keeb(x, thicc["intro"] + thicc["field"])
if (user_input == solution):
# win
guess += 1
# Allow the user to make it stop
if user_input == "exit":
# Alert the user that the word was not found in the list, and wait for them to read it
ui.uprint (x-(3*len(solution)*3//2), len(guesses) + 2, "not in word list.")
s = "Not in word list."
ui.uprint (x-(len(s)//2), health, s)
# lose
@ -192,16 +270,15 @@ def win(won):
used_guesses = len(guesses) if won else "X"
share = f"{data['name']} {d} {used_guesses}/{max_guesses}{'*' if args.hard else ''}\n"
for gi in guesses:
share += f"\n{wordbox(gi)}"
share += f"{wordbox(gi)}"
# ui.move to the end of the screen, and print the sharable boxes
print(f"{ui.m(0, ui.size[1] + 1)}{share}", end="")
if (
w, h, stty = max(30, 3*len(solution)), 7 + max_guesses, get_terminal_size()
# You can init a "screen" 'anywhere'!
ui.init(w, h, (stty.columns - w) // 2, 0)
ui.init(max(30, 3*len(solution)), 7 + max_guesses)
def init():
h = 2 + max_guesses + 1 + (0 if args.nokeyboard else 4)
if (
w, stty = max(30, 3*len(solution)), get_terminal_size()
# You can init a "screen" 'anywhere'!
ui.init(w, h, (stty.columns - w) // 2, 0)
ui.init(max(30, 3*len(solution)), h)
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Metadata = {
"name": "Wordle Classic",
"version": "powerlanguage",
"guesses": 6,
"launch": (2021, 6, 19)
"launch": (2021, 6, 19),
# These are not answers
Reference in New Issue
Block a user