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synced 2025-02-04 10:38:42 +00:00
setup-development: - linux: - Install vsce (visual studio code extension tool) - Don't install yo generator-code (unnecessary) - windows: - Install vsce (see above) - Don't install uo generator-code
142 lines
4.9 KiB
Executable File
142 lines
4.9 KiB
Executable File
#* linux-update.sh: Install and update dependencies of Mind Reader, on linux.
#* Heads-up, this expects to be run from Mind_Reader/setup-development/linux.
# If run with bash -vx, print useful information instead of just a + sign
export PS4='+(${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}): ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }'
# If run as root, it could be because sudo isn't installed (some people disagree with sudo, especially on Arch)
ELEVATE='';if (( $UID !=0 )); then ELEVATE='sudo';fi
# Get option flags:
while getopts d arg; do
case $arg in
d) dry=true;;
function dryrun {
if $dry; then
echo "> $* [dry]";
echo "> $*"
# Get whether the user is running in Windows Subsystem for Linux
function getwsl {
grep "[Mm]icrosoft" /proc/version > /dev/null
return $?
# Get the user's default login shell
function getsh {
#* This code was created by user [Todd A. Jacobs](https://stackoverflow.com/users/1301972/todd-a-jacobs) on [StackOverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/a/11059152) and is used in accordance with Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0
getent passwd $LOGNAME | cut -d: -f7
# Install NVM (this is gross, but the recommended way to install nvm)
function installnvm {
# nvm's install script tries to be smart, so we have to work around its supposed cleverness
wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | dryrun "$usershell"
# Reload profile
case $usershell in
*/bash) dryrun . ~/.bashrc ~/.bashprofile;;
*/zsh) dryrun . ~/.zshrc;;
*) "Your shell, $usershell, is currently unsupported by nvm. It's up to you to set up your development environment."; exit;;
# Set these variables if you need to install for a different architecture
# Valid architectures are "x64", "arm64", "armhf"
case `uname -i` in
"x86_64") arch="x64";;
"armv[6-8]*") arch="armhf";;
"aarch64") arch="arm64";;
*) echo "Architecture '$(uname -i)' unknown. Assuming x86_64..."
if which pacman; then
# Install dependencies with pacman
printf "Installing dependencies with pacman...\n"
cat ./package-managers/pacman.dependencies | dryrun $ELEVATE pacman -S --needed -
# If not in Windows Subsystem for Linux, install vscode
[[ !(getwsl) ]] && dryrun $ELEVATE pacman -S --needed code
# Install Node Version Manager
elif which apt-get; then
# Install dependencies using apt-get
printf "Installing dependencies with apt...\n"
dryrun xargs -a ./package-managers/apt.dependencies $ELEVATE apt-get install -y
# Check if vscode exists, if not, install it.
# Microsoft doesn't put it in any Ubuntu repos, you have to get it straight from them.
# This does have the side effect, however, of installing the official repository
# Don't attempt to install vscode if running in WSL; it can cause problems.
if !(which code) && !(getwsl); then
#* Install VSCode
dryrun wget "https://code.visualstudio.com/sha/download?build=stable&os=linux-deb-$arch" -O ./code.deb
dryrun $ELEVATE apt install ./code.deb
dryrun rm ./code.deb
# Install Node Version Manager (nvm)
# Go back to source tree root
cd ../..
# Check the VSCode version
#* Note:
#* When adding support for new VSCode versions, update this case
#* By the time you're working on this project, things are likely going to differ!
case `code --version` in
#* Each version of VSCode has a corresponding Electron version and Node version
#* These are used when configuring nvm
1.66.*) electronversion="17.2.0"; nodeversion="16.13.0";;
1.67.*) electronversion="17.4.1"; nodeversion="16.13.0";;
*) nodeversion="--lts";;
# Install NodeJS and npm
printf "\nInstalling node $nodeversion\n"
dryrun nvm install "$nodeversion"
dryrun nvm use "$nodeversion"
# Use npm to install electron-rebuild and yo
printf "Installing electron-rebuild and vsce\n"
dryrun npm install -g electron-rebuild vsce
# use npm to acquire dependencies for Mind-Reader
printf "\nAcquiring dependencies...\n"
dryrun npm install
# automatically update vulnerable packages, if possible
printf "\nUpdating vulnerable packages, if possible...\n"
dryrun npm audit fix
# Use electron-rebuild to rebuild electron
if [[ "$electronversion" != "" ]]; then
printf "\nRebuilding electron with version $electronversion...\n"
dryrun electron-rebuild --version $electronversion
printf "\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n" \
"Open Visual Studio Code, select the 'Help' tab in the toolbar, and go to 'About'." \
"Find the line that says 'Electron: [electron version]'" \
"Run the command below, filling in the Electron version with the one from that menu:" \
"electron-rebuild --version [electron version]"
cd $cdir
echo "Done!"