{ "name": "mind-reader", "displayName": "Mind Reader", "homepage": "https://github.com/We-Dont-Byte/Mind_Reader/wiki", "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "https://github.com/We-Dont-Byte/Mind_Reader" }, "bugs": { "type": "git", "url": "https://github.com/We-Dont-Byte/Mind_Reader/issues" }, "contributors": [ { "name" : "Jake Grossman", "email" : "JacobGrossman2@my.unt.edu" }, { "name" : "Cal Wooten", "email" : "calwooten@my.unt.edu" }, { "name" : "Josiah Mosesn", "email" : "josiahmoses@my.unt.edu" }, { "name" : "Sophia Drewfs", "email" : "sophiadrewfs@my.unt.edu" }, { "name" : "John Breaux", "email" : "JohnBreaux@my.unt.edu" }, { "name" : "Thomas Lane", "email" : "ThomasLane2@my.unt.edu" }, { "name" : "Ryan Tolbert", "email" : "RyanTolbert@my.unt.edu" }, { "name" : "Kendrick Johnson", "email" : "KendrickJohnson@my.unt.edu" }, { "name" : "Pedro Alvarez", "email" : "PedroAlvarez3@my.unt.edu" } ], "version": "1.0.0", "engines": { "vscode": "^1.60.0" }, "categories": [ "Other" ], "activationEvents": [ "onStartupFinished" ], "main": "./out/extension.js", "contributes": { "commands": [{ "command": "mind-reader.increaseFontScale", "title": "Increase Font Scale" }, { "command": "mind-reader.decreaseFontScale", "title": "Decrease Font Scale" }, { "command": "mind-reader.resetFontScale", "title": "Reset Font Scale" }, { "command": "mind-reader.increaseEditorScale", "title": "Increase Editor Scale" }, { "command": "mind-reader.decreaseEditorScale", "title": "Decrease Editor Scale" }, { "command": "mind-reader.resetEditorScale", "title": "Reset Editor Scale" }, { "command": "mind-reader.selectTheme", "title": "Select Theme" }, { "command": "mind-reader.openWebview", "title": "Mind Reader Webview" }, { "command": "mind-reader.openKeyBindWin", "title": "Key Bindings for Windows" }, { "command": "mind-reader.openKeyBindMac", "title": "Key Bindings for Mac" }, { "command": "mind-reader.runLineContext", "title": "Run Line Context" }, { "command": "mind-reader.runCursorContext", "title": "Run Cursor Context" }, { "command": "mind-reader.getLineNumber", "title": "Get The Current Line Number" }, { "command": "mind-reader.getIndent", "title": "Get The Number Of Line Indentation" }, { "command": "mind-reader.getLeadingSpaces", "title": "Get The Number Of Leading Spaces" }, { "command": "mind-reader.selectLeadingWhitespace", "title": "Select The Leading Whitespace" }, { "command": "mind-reader.getNumberOfSelectedLines", "title": "Get The Number Of Selected Lines" }, { "command": "mind-reader.connectHub", "title": "Connect LEGO Hub" }, { "command": "mind-reader.disconnectHub", "title": "Disconnect LEGO Hub" }, { "command": "mind-reader.uploadCurrentFile", "title": "Upload current file to LEGO Hub" }, { "command": "mind-reader.runProgram", "title": "Run a program from the LEGO Hub" }, { "command": "mind-reader.stopExecution", "title": "Stop running program on the LEGO Hub" }, { "command": "mind-reader.deleteProgram", "title": "Delete a program from the LEGO Hub" } ], "keybindings": [ { "command": "mind-reader.selectTheme", "key": "", "mac": "" }, { "command": "mind-reader.decreaseFontScale", "key": "", "mac": "" }, { "command": "mind-reader.increaseFontScale", "key": "", "mac": "" }, { "command": "mind-reader.increaseEditorScale", "key": "", "mac": "" }, { "command": "mind-reader.decreaseEditorScale", "key": "", "mac": "" }, { "command": "mind-reader.resetEditorScale", "key": "", "mac": "" }, { "command": "mind-reader.showAllSymbols", "key": "", "mac": "" }, { "command": "mind-reader.gotoLine", "key": "", "mac": "" }, { "command": "mind-reader.quickOpen", "key": "", "mac": "" }, { "command": "mind-reader.gotoSymbol", "key": "", "mac": "" }, { "command": "mind-reader.showProblems", "key": "", "mac": "" }, { "command": "mind-reader.nextInFiles", "key": "", "mac": "" }, { "command": "mind-reader.prevInFiles", "key": "", "mac": "" }, { "command": "mind-reader.quickOpenPreviousRecentlyUsedEditorInGroup", "key": "", "mac": "" }, { "command": "mind-reader.navigateBack", "key": "", "mac": "" }, { "command": "mind-reader.getQuickInputBack", "key": "", "mac": "" }, { "command": "mind-reader.navigateForward", "key": "", "mac": "" }, { "command": "mind-reader.getLineNumber", "key": "", "mac": "" }, { "command": "mind-reader.getIndent", "key": "", "mac": "" }, { "command": "mind-reader.getLeadingSpaces", "key": "", "mac": "" }, { "command": "mind-reader.selectLeadingWhitespace", "key": "", "mac": "" }, { "command": "mind-reader.getNumberOfSelectedLines", "key": "", "mac": "" }, { "command": "mind-reader.openKeyBindWin", "key": "", "mac": "" }, { "command": "mind-reader.openKeyBindMac", "key": "", "mac": "" } ], "menus": { "editor/context": [{ "submenu": "mind-reader.editor.context", "group": "mind-reader" }], "mind-reader.editor.context": [ { "command": "mind-reader.selectTheme", "group": "mind-reader", "when": "activeEditor" }, { "command": "mind-reader.increaseFontScale", "group": "mind-reader", "when": "activeEditor" }, { "command": "mind-reader.decreaseFontScale", "group": "mind-reader", "when": "activeEditor" }, { "command": "mind-reader.resetFontScale", "group": "mind-reader", "when": "activeEditor" }, { "command": "mind-reader.increaseEditorScale", "group": "mind-reader", "when": "activeEditor" }, { "command": "mind-reader.decreaseEditorScale", "group": "mind-reader", "when": "activeEditor" }, { "command": "mind-reader.resetEditorScale", "group": "mind-reader", "when": "activeEditor" }, { "command": "mind-reader.getLineNumber", "group": "mind-reader", "when": "activeEditor" }, { "command": "mind-reader.getIndent", "group": "mind-reader", "when": "activeEditor" }, { "command": "mind-reader.getLeadingSpaces", "group": "mind-reader", "when": "activeEditor" }, { "command": "mind-reader.selectLeadingWhitespace", "group": "mind-reader", "when": "activeEditor" }, { "command": "mind-reader.getNumberOfSelectedLines", "group": "mind-reader", "when": "activeEditor" }, { "command": "mind-reader.openWebview", "group": "mind-reader", "when": "activeEditor" }, { "command": "mind-reader.openKeyBindWin", "group": "mind-reader", "when": "activeEditor" }, { "command": "mind-reader.openKeyBindMac", "group": "mind-reader", "when": "activeEditor" } ] }, "submenus": [{ "id": "mind-reader.editor.context", "label": "Mind Reader" }], "configuration": [{ "title": "Mind Reader", "order": 0, "properties": { "mind-reader.productType": { "order": 1, "type": "string", "description": "Specifies the LEGO® product.", "default": "MINDSTORMS EV3", "enum": [ "MINDSTORMS EV3", "SPIKE Prime" ], "enumDescriptions": [ "LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3 (31313)", "LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Prime Set (45678)" ] }, "mind-reader.reader.screenReader": { "order": 0, "type": "string", "description": "Specifies which screen reader to optimize for.", "default": "NVDA", "enum": [ "NVDA", "Orca", "VoiceOver" ], "enumDescriptions": [ "NonVisual Desktop Access (Windows)", "Orca (Linux)", "Apple VoiceOver (macOS)" ] }, "mind-reader.reader.contextWindow": { "order": 3, "type": "number", "description": "The number of words around the cursor to use when reading the cursor context", "default": 1 }, "mind-reader.connection.portPath": { "order": 2, "type": "string", "markdownDescription": "The default port to try and establish a connection on." } } }, { "title": "Line Highlighter [Must Close Settings And RESTART VSCode For The Line Highlighter To Function]", "order": 1, "properties": { "mind-reader.lineHighlighter.isEnabled": { "order": 4, "type": "boolean", "markdownDescription": "Enable/Disable the line highlighter.\n\n\n* `Enabled (our default)`: Checked: Line Highlighter is turned `ON`\n* `Disabled`: Unchecked: Line Highlighter is turned `OFF`\n\n### `NOTE`: You Must Close Settings And RESTART Visual Studio Code For The Line Highlighter To Function\n#### Even If No Changes Were Made", "default": "true" }, "mind-reader.lineHighlighter.multiLineIsEnabled": { "order": 5, "type": "boolean", "markdownDescription": "Temporarily Disable highlighting when highlighting multiple lines.\n\n\n* `Enabled`: Checked: Multiline Highlighting is turned `ON`:\n* * When you click and drag line highlights will be applied to all lines\n* `Disabled (our default)`: Unchecked: Multiline Highlighting is turned `OFF`:\n* * When you click and drag the line highlighter will disable itself then re-enable itself when you click onto a single line.", "default": "false" }, "mind-reader.lineHighlighter.backgroundColor": { "order": 6, "type": "string", "markdownDescription": "Set the background color to be used by the line highlighter.\n\nSyntax: _color_ or `transparent`\n\nAvailable color formats include:\n* `HEX(A)`: for Hexadecimal Colors: `#RRGGBB` or `#RRGGBBAA` to add transparency\n* `RGB(A)`: for RGB Colors: `rgb(red, green, blue)` or `rgba(red, green, blue, alpha)`\n* `HSL(A)`: for HSL Colors: `hsl(hue, saturation, lightness)` or `hsla(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha)`\n* `Predefined Color Names`: 140 color names are predefined in the HTML and CSS color specification: `blue`, `red`, `coral`, `brown`, [etc...](https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_names.asp)\n* `None`: For no color to be applied: Sometimes VSCode will pull a color from your theme, other times it uses black\n* `#232C5C` is our default", "default": "#232C5C" }, "mind-reader.lineHighlighter.outlineColor": { "order": 7, "type": "string", "markdownDescription": "Set the outline color to be used by the line highlighter.\n\nSyntax: _color_ or `transparent`\n\nAvailable color formats include:\n* `HEX(A)`: for Hexadecimal Colors: `#RRGGBB` or `#RRGGBBAA` to add transparency\n* `RGB(A)`: for RGB Colors: `rgb(red, green, blue)` or `rgba(red, green, blue, alpha)`\n* `HSL(A)`: for HSL Colors: `hsl(hue, saturation, lightness)` or `hsla(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha)`\n* `Predefined Color Names`: 140 color names are predefined in the HTML and CSS color specification: `blue`, `red`, `coral`, `brown`, [etc...](https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_names.asp)\n* `None`: For no color to be applied: Sometimes VSCode will pull a color from your theme, other times it uses black\n* `#4866FE` is our default", "default": "#4866FE" }, "mind-reader.lineHighlighter.outlineWidth": { "order": 8, "type": "string", "markdownDescription": "Set the outline width to be used by the line highlighter.\n\nSyntax: `medium` or `thin` or `thick` or `length` or `none`\n* `medium`: Specifies a medium outline. (usual default)\n* `thin`: Specifies a thin outline\n* `thick`: Specifies a thick outline\n* `length`: you to define the thickness of the outline in [length](https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_units.asp) units.\n* `none`: No outline width will be applied\n* `1px` is our default", "default": "1px" }, "mind-reader.lineHighlighter.outlineStyle": { "order": 9, "type": "string", "markdownDescription": "Set the outline style to be used by the line highlighter.\n\nSyntax: `none` or `hidden` or `dotted` or `dashed` or `solid` or `double` or `groove` or `ridge` or `inset` or `outset`\n* `none`: No border will be applied (usual default)\n* `hidden`: The same as `none`\n* `dotted`: Dotted border\n* `dashed`: Dashed border\n* `solid (our default)`: Solid border\n* `double`: Double border\n* `groove`: 3D grooved border, depends on the outline-color value.\n* `ridge`: 3D ridged border, depends on the outline-color value.\n* `inset`: 3D inset border, depends on the outline-color value.\n* `outset`: 3D outset border, depends on the outline-color value.", "default": "solid" }, "mind-reader.lineHighlighter.borderColorTop": { "order": 10, "type": "string", "markdownDescription": "Set the top border color to be used by the line highlighter.\n\nSyntax: _color_ or `transparent`\n\nAvailable color formats include:\n* `HEX(A)`: for Hexadecimal Colors: `#RRGGBB` or `#RRGGBBAA` to add transparency\n* `RGB(A)`: for RGB Colors: `rgb(red, green, blue)` or `rgba(red, green, blue, alpha)`\n* `HSL(A)`: for HSL Colors: `hsl(hue, saturation, lightness)` or `hsla(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha)`\n* `Predefined Color Names`: 140 color names are predefined in the HTML and CSS color specification: `blue`, `red`, `coral`, `brown`, [etc...](https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_names.asp)\n* `None`: For no color to be applied: Sometimes VSCode will pull a color from your theme, other times it uses black\n* `#FFFFFF` is our default", "default": "#FFFFFF" }, "mind-reader.lineHighlighter.borderColorRight": { "order": 11, "type": "string", "markdownDescription": "Set the right border color to be used by the line highlighter.\n\nSyntax: _color_ or `transparent`\n\nAvailable color formats include:\n* `HEX(A)`: for Hexadecimal Colors: `#RRGGBB` or `#RRGGBBAA` to add transparency\n* `RGB(A)`: for RGB Colors: `rgb(red, green, blue)` or `rgba(red, green, blue, alpha)`\n* `HSL(A)`: for HSL Colors: `hsl(hue, saturation, lightness)` or `hsla(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha)`\n* `Predefined Color Names`: 140 color names are predefined in the HTML and CSS color specification: `blue`, `red`, `coral`, `brown`, [etc...](https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_names.asp)\n* `None`: For no color to be applied: Sometimes VSCode will pull a color from your theme, other times it uses black\n* `#FFFFFF` is our default", "default": "#FFFFFF" }, "mind-reader.lineHighlighter.borderColorBottom": { "order": 12, "type": "string", "markdownDescription": "Set the bottom border color to be used by the line highlighter.\n\nSyntax: _color_ or `transparent`\n\nAvailable color formats include:\n* `HEX(A)`: for Hexadecimal Colors: `#RRGGBB` or `#RRGGBBAA` to add transparency\n* `RGB(A)`: for RGB Colors: `rgb(red, green, blue)` or `rgba(red, green, blue, alpha)`\n* `HSL(A)`: for HSL Colors: `hsl(hue, saturation, lightness)` or `hsla(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha)`\n* `Predefined Color Names`: 140 color names are predefined in the HTML and CSS color specification: `blue`, `red`, `coral`, `brown`, [etc...](https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_names.asp)\n* `None`: For no color to be applied: Sometimes VSCode will pull a color from your theme, other times it uses black\n* `#FFFFFF` is our default", "default": "#FFFFFF" }, "mind-reader.lineHighlighter.borderColorLeft": { "order": 13, "type": "string", "markdownDescription": "Set the left border color to be used by the line highlighter.\n\nSyntax: _color_ or `transparent`\n\nAvailable color formats include:\n* `HEX(A)`: for Hexadecimal Colors: `#RRGGBB` or `#RRGGBBAA` to add transparency\n* `RGB(A)`: for RGB Colors: `rgb(red, green, blue)` or `rgba(red, green, blue, alpha)`\n* `HSL(A)`: for HSL Colors: `hsl(hue, saturation, lightness)` or `hsla(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha)`\n* `Predefined Color Names`: 140 color names are predefined in the HTML and CSS color specification: `blue`, `red`, `coral`, `brown`, [etc...](https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_names.asp)\n* `None`: For no color to be applied: Sometimes VSCode will pull a color from your theme, other times it uses black\n* `#FFFFFF` is our default", "default": "#FFFFFF" }, "mind-reader.lineHighlighter.borderWidthTop": { "order": 14, "type": "string", "markdownDescription": "Set the top border width to be used by the line highlighter.\n\nSyntax: `medium` or `thin` or `thick` or `length` or `none`\n* `medium`: Specifies a medium border. (usual default)\n* `thin`: Specifies a thin border\n* `thick`: Specifies a thick border\n* `length`: you to define the thickness of the border in [length](https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_units.asp) units.\n* `none`: No border width will be applied\n* `1px` is our default", "default": "1px" }, "mind-reader.lineHighlighter.borderWidthRight": { "order": 15, "type": "string", "markdownDescription": "Set the right border width to be used by the line highlighter.\n\nSyntax: `medium` or `thin` or `thick` or `length` or `none`\n* `medium`: Specifies a medium border. (usual default)\n* `thin`: Specifies a thin border\n* `thick`: Specifies a thick border\n* `length`: you to define the thickness of the border in [length](https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_units.asp) units.\n* `none`: No border width will be applied\n* `16px` is our default\n\n#### \nborderWidthRight exhibits odd behavior, play around with different sizes to find what works best for your environment.", "default": "16px" }, "mind-reader.lineHighlighter.borderWidthBottom": { "order": 16, "type": "string", "markdownDescription": "Set the bottom border width to be used by the line highlighter.\n\nSyntax: `medium` or `thin` or `thick` or `length` or `none`\n* `medium`: Specifies a medium border. (usual default)\n* `thin`: Specifies a thin border\n* `thick`: Specifies a thick border\n* `length`: you to define the thickness of the border in [length](https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_units.asp) units.\n* `none`: No border width will be applied\n* `1px` is our default", "default": "1px" }, "mind-reader.lineHighlighter.borderWidthLeft": { "order": 17, "type": "string", "markdownDescription": "Set the left border width to be used by the line highlighter.\n\nSyntax: `medium` or `thin` or `thick` or `length` or `none`\n* `medium`: Specifies a medium border. (usual default)\n* `thin`: Specifies a thin border\n* `thick`: Specifies a thick border\n* `length`: you to define the thickness of the border in [length](https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_units.asp) units.\n* `none`: No border width will be applied\n* `1px` is our default", "default": "1px" }, "mind-reader.lineHighlighter.borderStyleTop": { "order": 18, "type": "string", "markdownDescription": "Set the top border style to be used by the line highlighter.\n\nSyntax: `none` or `hidden` or `dotted` or `dashed` or `solid` or `double` or `groove` or `ridge` or `inset` or `outset`\n* `none`: No border will be applied (usual default)\n* `hidden`: The same as `none`\n* `dotted`: Dotted border\n* `dashed`: Dashed border\n* `solid (our default)`: Solid border\n* `double`: Double border\n* `groove`: 3D grooved border, depends on the border-color value.\n* `ridge`: 3D ridged border, depends on the border-color value.\n* `inset`: 3D inset border, depends on the border-color value.\n* `outset`: 3D outset border, depends on the border-color value.", "default": "solid" }, "mind-reader.lineHighlighter.borderStyleRight": { "order": 19, "type": "string", "markdownDescription": "Set the right border style to be used by the line highlighter.\n\nSyntax: `none` or `hidden` or `dotted` or `dashed` or `solid` or `double` or `groove` or `ridge` or `inset` or `outset`\n* `none`: No border will be applied (usual default)\n* `hidden`: The same as `none`\n* `dotted`: Dotted border\n* `dashed`: Dashed border\n* `solid (our default)`: Solid border\n* `double`: Double border\n* `groove`: 3D grooved border, depends on the border-color value.\n* `ridge`: 3D ridged border, depends on the border-color value.\n* `inset`: 3D inset border, depends on the border-color value.\n* `outset`: 3D outset border, depends on the border-color value.", "default": "solid" }, "mind-reader.lineHighlighter.borderStyleBottom": { "order": 20, "type": "string", "markdownDescription": "Set the bottom border style to be used by the line highlighter.\n\nSyntax: `none` or `hidden` or `dotted` or `dashed` or `solid` or `double` or `groove` or `ridge` or `inset` or `outset`\n* `none`: No border will be applied (usual default)\n* `hidden`: The same as `none`\n* `dotted`: Dotted border\n* `dashed`: Dashed border\n* `solid (our default)`: Solid border\n* `double`: Double border\n* `groove`: 3D grooved border, depends on the border-color value.\n* `ridge`: 3D ridged border, depends on the border-color value.\n* `inset`: 3D inset border, depends on the border-color value.\n* `outset`: 3D outset border, depends on the border-color value.", "default": "solid" }, "mind-reader.lineHighlighter.borderStyleLeft": { "order": 21, "type": "string", "markdownDescription": "Set the left border style to be used by the line highlighter.\n\nSyntax: `none` or `hidden` or `dotted` or `dashed` or `solid` or `double` or `groove` or `ridge` or `inset` or `outset`\n* `none`: No border will be applied (usual default)\n* `hidden`: The same as `none`\n* `dotted`: Dotted border\n* `dashed`: Dashed border\n* `solid (our default)`: Solid border\n* `double`: Double border\n* `groove`: 3D grooved border, depends on the border-color value.\n* `ridge`: 3D ridged border, depends on the border-color value.\n* `inset`: 3D inset border, depends on the border-color value.\n* `outset`: 3D outset border, depends on the border-color value.", "default": "solid" }, "mind-reader.lineHighlighter.fontStyle": { "order": 22, "type": "string", "markdownDescription": "Set the font style to be used by the line highlighter.\n\nSyntax: `normal` or `italic` or `oblique` or `none`\n* `normal (our default)`: Displays a normal font style. This is default\n* `italic`: Displays an italic font style\n* `oblique`: Displays an oblique font style\n* `none`: No font style will be applied", "default": "normal" }, "mind-reader.lineHighlighter.fontWeight": { "order": 23, "type": "string", "markdownDescription": "Set the font weight to be used by the line highlighter.\n\nSyntax: `normal` or `bold` or `bolder` or `lighter` or _number_ or `none`\n* `normal`: Normal Characters. (usual default)\n* `bold`: Thick Characters\n* `bolder (our default)`: Thicker Characters\n* `lighter`: Lighter Characters\n * _number_: From `thin` to `thick` characters: `100`, `200`, `300`, `400`, `500`, `600`, `700`, `800`, or `900`: `400` is the same as normal, and `700` is the same as bold.\n* `none`: No font weight will be applied", "default": "bolder" }, "mind-reader.lineHighlighter.textDecoration": { "order": 24, "type": "string", "markdownDescription": "Set the text decoration to be used by the line highlighter.\n\nSyntax: `(text-decoration-line)` `(text-decoration-color)` `(text-decoration-style)` `(text-decoration-thickness)`\n* `text-decoration-line (required)`: Sets the kind of text decoration to use: `underline`, `overline`, `line-through`\n* `text-decoration-color`: Sets the color of the text decoration\n* `text-decoration-style`: Sets the style of the text decoration: `solid`, `wavy`, `dotted`, `dashed`, `double`\n* `text-decoration-thickness`: Sets the thickness of the decoration line\n* `none (our default)`: No text decorations will be applied\n\n`Examples`:\n1. underline blue wavy 5px\n2. line-through\n3. underline overline dotted red", "default": "none" }, "mind-reader.lineHighlighter.textColor": { "order": 25, "type": "string", "markdownDescription": "Set the text color to be used by the line highlighter.\n\nSyntax: _color_ or `transparent`\n\nAvailable color formats include:\n* `HEX(A)`: for Hexadecimal Colors: `#RRGGBB` or `#RRGGBBAA` to add transparency\n* `RGB(A)`: for RGB Colors: `rgb(red, green, blue)` or `rgba(red, green, blue, alpha)`\n* `HSL(A)`: for HSL Colors: `hsl(hue, saturation, lightness)` or `hsla(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha)`\n* `Predefined Color Names`: 140 color names are predefined in the HTML and CSS color specification: `blue`, `red`, `coral`, `brown`, [etc...](https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_names.asp)\n* `None`: For no color to be applied: Sometimes VSCode will pull a color from your theme, other times it uses black\n* `#FFFFFF` is our default", "default": "#FFFFFF" } } }], "views": { "MindReader": [{ "id": "accessActions", "name": "Access Actions", "icon": "media/dep.svg", "contextualTitle": "Accessibility Menu Actions" }, { "id": "hubActions", "name": "Hub Actions", "icon": "media/dep.svg", "contextualTitle": "Hub Connection Actions" } ] }, "viewsContainers": { "activitybar": [{ "id": "MindReader", "title": "MindReader Actions", "icon": "media/dep.svg" }] } }, "scripts": { "vscode:prepublish": "npm run compile", "compile": "tsc -p ./", "watch": "tsc -watch -p ./", "pretest": "npm run compile && npm run lint", "lint": "eslint src --ext ts", "test": "node ./out/test/runTest.js" }, "devDependencies": { "@types/glob": "^7.1.3", "@types/mocha": "^8.2.2", "@types/node": "16.x", "@types/serialport": "^8.0.2", "@types/vscode": "^1.60.0", "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^4.26.0", "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^4.26.0", "@vscode/test-electron": "^1.6.2", "eslint": "^7.27.0", "glob": "^7.1.7", "mocha": "^8.4.0", "typescript": "^4.3.2", "vscode-test": "^1.5.2" }, "dependencies": { "serialport": "^9.2.5" } }