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synced 2025-02-04 10:38:42 +00:00
Added linehighlighter.ts
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@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
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import { Position, window, workspace, TextEditorDecorationType, TextEditor, WorkspaceConfiguration, Range } from 'vscode';
export { lineHighlighter };
let highlightStyle: TextEditorDecorationType;
function lineHighlighter(): void {
let highlightStyle : TextEditorDecorationType = getHighlighterStyle();
let activeTextEditor : TextEditor | undefined = window.activeTextEditor;
let isEnabled : boolean | undefined = getHighlighterStatus();
let multiLineIsEnabled: boolean | undefined = getMultiLineHighlighterStatus();
* Trigger the line highlight when the extension
* loads so current line gets highlighted
* Trigger for when the active text editor changes
window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor((editor) => {
if (!editor) {
* Trigger for when text selection changes
window.onDidChangeTextEditorSelection((editor) => {
if (!editor.textEditor) {
console.error(`[*] onDidChangeTextEditorSelection(${editor}) -> no active text editor`);
* Trigger for when the text document changes
workspace.onDidChangeTextDocument((editor) => {
if (!activeTextEditor) {
console.error(`[*] onDidChangeTextDocument(${editor}) -> no active text editor`);
* Trigger for when the window state changes
window.onDidChangeWindowState((editor) => {
if (!editor) {
* Trigger for when configuration changes
workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration((editor) => {
if (!editor) {
// Dump existing styling
// check if line highlighter is enable/disabled
isEnabled = getHighlighterStatus();
multiLineIsEnabled = getMultiLineHighlighterStatus();
// get new line highlighter styling
highlightStyle = getHighlighterStyle();
// trigger highlight with new styling
* main function that triggers the highlights
function triggerHighlight(): void {
if (!activeTextEditor) {
console.error("[*] NO Active Text Editor");
* Sets the activeTextEditor to the current active window
activeTextEditor = window.activeTextEditor;
if (activeTextEditor !== undefined) {
* If the line highlighter function is enabled
* set the decorations with our chosen highlighting style on the selection
* otherwise (highlighter is disabled) dump our highlighting style
// (isEnabled)
// ? activeTextEditor!.setDecorations(highlightStyle, activeTextEditor!.selections)
// : highlightStyle.dispose();
switch (isEnabled) {
case true: // isEnabled is true
switch (multiLineIsEnabled) {
case true: // isEnabled is true and multiLineIsEnabled is true
// const startLine = activeTextEditor!.selection.start;
// const endLine = activeTextEditor!.selection.end;
// const rangeToHighlight = { range: new Range(startLine, endLine) };
// activeTextEditor!.setDecorations(highlightStyle, [rangeToHighlight]);
// const currentLineRange = activeTextEditor!.document.lineAt(activeTextEditor!.selection.anchor).range;
// activeTextEditor!.setDecorations(highlightStyle, [currentLineRange]);
// const startLine = activeTextEditor!.selection.start.line;
// const endLine = activeTextEditor!.selection.end;
// const rangeToHighlight = { range: new Range(startLine, endLine) };
activeTextEditor.setDecorations(highlightStyle, activeTextEditor.selections);
case false: // isEnabled is true and multiLineIsEnabled is false
switch (activeTextEditor.selection.isSingleLine) {
case true: // isEnabled is true and multiLineIsEnabled is false and VSCode is reporting a single line
let currentPosition = [];
for (let i = 0; i < activeTextEditor.selections.length; i++) {
currentPosition[i] = { range: new Range(activeTextEditor.selections[i].anchor, activeTextEditor.selections[i].anchor) };
activeTextEditor.setDecorations(highlightStyle, currentPosition);
// const currentLine = activeTextEditor.selection.active.line;
// const newDecoration = { range: new Range(currentPosition, currentPosition) };
// const singleLineHighlight = { range: new Range(activeTextEditor!.selection.anchor.line, activeTextEditor!.selection.anchor.line) };
// activeTextEditor!.setDecorations(highlightStyle, [singleLineRange]);
// activeTextEditor.setDecorations(highlightStyle, [activeTextEditor.selection]);
case false: // isEnabled is true and multiLineIsEnabled is false and VSCode is reporting multiple lines
// Dispose of our highlighting style so multiple lines aren't all highlighted when clicking and dragging to highlight
// highlightStyle.dispose();
activeTextEditor.setDecorations(highlightStyle, []);
// Since we disposed of our highlighting style, we need to re-acquire it for highlighting to continue to work after clicking and dragging to highlight
// highlightStyle = getHighlighterStyle();
default: // isEnabled is true and multiLineIsEnabled is false and VSCode is reporting something else - break out of 3rd switch
default: // isEnabled is true and multiLineIsEnabled is undetected - break out of 2nd switch statement
case false: // isEnabled is false
default: // break out of initial switch is true or false not found
// Track new position, without this the line the the cursor begins on will never get styled
new Position(activeTextEditor.selection.start.line, activeTextEditor.selection.start.character);
* Function to get the user configured highlighting styles, or use defaults
* Designed with user configuration in mind, able to control different sides
* independently from each other (in most cases). This allows for many different
* configurations.
* @returns highlighterStyle
function getHighlighterStyle(): TextEditorDecorationType {
// Used so we don't have to type out workspace.getConfiguration('mind-reader.lineHighlight') on every line, ie: shorthand
const userConfig: WorkspaceConfiguration = workspace.getConfiguration('mind-reader.lineHighlight');
const borderWidthTop : string = userConfig.get('borderWidthTop') || "0";
const borderWidthRight : string = userConfig.get('borderWidthRight') || "0";
const borderWidthBottom : string = userConfig.get('borderWidthBottom') || "2px";
const borderWidthLeft : string = userConfig.get('borderWidthLeft') || "0";
const borderStyleTop : string = userConfig.get('borderStyleTop') || "solid";
const borderStyleRight : string = userConfig.get('borderStyleRight') || "solid";
const borderStyleBottom : string = userConfig.get('borderStyleBottom') || "solid";
const borderStyleLeft : string = userConfig.get('borderStyleLeft') || "solid";
const borderColorTop : string = userConfig.get('borderColorTop') || "#191970";
const borderColorRight : string = userConfig.get('borderColorRight') || "#191970";
const borderColorBottom : string = userConfig.get('borderColorBottom') || "#191970";
const borderColorLeft : string = userConfig.get('borderColorLeft') || "#191970";
const backgroundColor : string = userConfig.get('backgroundColor') || "#00fa9a";
const fontStyle : string = userConfig.get('fontStyle') || "normal";
const fontWeight : string = userConfig.get('fontWeight') || "normal";
const outlineColor : string = userConfig.get('outlineColor') || "#191970";
const outlineStyle : string = userConfig.get('outlineStyle') || "solid";
const outlineWidth : string = userConfig.get('outlineWidth') || "0";
const textDecoration : string = userConfig.get('textDecoration') || "normal";
const textColor : string = userConfig.get('textColor') || "normal";
// Combine all our styling into a single variable to return
const highlighterStyle : TextEditorDecorationType = window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
isWholeLine : true,
backgroundColor : `${backgroundColor}`,
fontStyle : `${fontStyle}`,
fontWeight : `${fontWeight}`,
textDecoration : `${textDecoration}`,
color : `${textColor}`,
borderColor : `${borderColorTop} ${borderColorRight} ${borderColorBottom} ${borderColorLeft}`,
borderWidth : `${borderWidthTop} ${borderWidthRight} ${borderWidthBottom} ${borderWidthLeft}`,
borderStyle : `${borderStyleTop} ${borderStyleRight} ${borderStyleBottom} ${borderStyleLeft}`,
outlineColor : `${outlineColor}`,
outlineWidth : `${outlineWidth}`,
outlineStyle : `${outlineStyle}`,
// Return our variable
return highlighterStyle;
* Function to retrieve the 'isEnabled' status
* This will determine if the line highlighter will display or not
* - enabled -> will show
* - disabled -> will not show
* @returns enabledStatus
function getHighlighterStatus(): boolean | undefined {
// set a boolean variable
let enabledStatus: boolean | undefined;
* if "isEnabled" is missing from the settings (aka undefined)
* - set our variable to true (default)
* otherwise, "isEnabled" is listed in the settings
* - so we just pull its value
(workspace.getConfiguration("mind-reader.lineHighlight").get("isEnabled") === undefined)
? (enabledStatus = true)
: (enabledStatus = workspace.getConfiguration("mind-reader.lineHighlight").get("isEnabled"));
// return the enabledStatus
return enabledStatus;
function getMultiLineHighlighterStatus(): boolean | undefined {
// set a boolean variable
let multiLineIsEnabled: boolean | undefined;
* if "isEnabled" is missing from the settings (aka undefined)
* - set our variable to true (default)
* otherwise, "isEnabled" is listed in the settings
* - so we just pull its value
(workspace.getConfiguration("mind-reader.lineHighlight").get("multiLineIsEnabled") === undefined)
? (multiLineIsEnabled = true)
: (multiLineIsEnabled = workspace.getConfiguration("mind-reader.lineHighlight").get("multiLineIsEnabled"));
// return the enabledStatus
return multiLineIsEnabled;
// Clean-up after ourself
export function deactivate() {
// when the plugin is terminated remove all highlighting
if (highlightStyle !== undefined) {
* Border Width Settings
* borderWidthTop = Top Border Width
* borderWidthRight = Right Border Width * Right border is a little finicky, I have all others at 1px, but need 15px for this one to match
* borderWidthBottom = Bottom Border Width
* borderWidthLeft = Left Border Width
* Uses CSS so should accept:
* thin | medium | thick
* px
* rem
* em
* cm
* % - Weird behavior
* inherit
* If no value is found in the settings, we set the value after the double pipes (||) instead
* Border Style Settings
* borderStyleTop = Top Border Style
* borderStyleRight = Right Border Style
* borderStyleBottom = Bottom Border Style
* borderStyleLeft = Left Border Style
* Uses CSS so should accept: (Some of them I can't tell a difference, but they do something)
* none
* hidden
* dotted
* dashed
* solid
* double
* groove
* ridge
* inset
* outset
* If no value is found in the settings, we set the value after the double pipes (||) instead
* Border Color Settings
* borderColorRight = Right Border Color
* borderColorBottom = Bottom Border Color
* borderColorTop = Top Border Color
* borderColorLeft = Left Border Color
* Uses CSS so should accept: (Some of them I can't tell a difference, but they do something)
* none - This one doesn't play nice
* string value like "red" | "blue" | "orange" etc - https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_colors.asp
* #<value>
* rgb(###, ###, ###)
* rgba(###, ###, ###, ###)
* hsla(##, ##%, ##%, .#);
* inherit - This one has weird behavior as well
* If no value is found in the settings, we set the value after the double pipes (||) instead
* Color of the background
* Uses CSS so should accept:
* none - This one doesn't play nice
* string value like "red" | "blue" | "orange" etc - https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_colors.asp
* #<value>
* rgb(###, ###, ###)
* rgba(###, ###, ###, ###)
* hsla(##, ##%, ##%, .#);
* inherit - This one has weird behavior as well
* If no value is found in the settings, we set the value after the double pipes (||) instead
* font-style: normal|italic|oblique|initial|inherit
* font-weight: normal|bold|bolder|lighter|number|initial|inherit
Reference in New Issue
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