Broke frontend into its own library, "cl-frontend" - Frontend is pretty :D - Included sample fibonacci implementation Deprecated conlang::ast::Visitor in favor of bespoke traits - Rust traits are super cool. - The Interpreter is currently undergoing a major rewrite Added preliminary type-path support to the parser - Currently incomplete: type paths must end in Never..? Pretty printer is now even prettier - conlang::ast now exports all relevant AST nodes, since there are no namespace collisions any more
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(* Conlang Expression Grammar *)
Start = Program ;
Program = Stmt* EOI ;
(* TODO:
- Replace Program with Module
Module = Decl* EOI ;
- Move Fn and Let into "Decl":
Decl = Fn | Let ;
- allow Decl | ExprStmt in Stmt:
Stmt = Decl | Expr ';' ;
(* literal *)
Bool = "true" | "false" ;
Identifier = IDENTIFIER ;
(* # Statements *)
(* statement *)
Stmt = Fn | Let | Expr ';' ;
Let = "let" Name ('=' Expr)? ';' ;
Fn = "fn" Identifier '(' Params? ')' Block ;
(* TODO: Type system *)
Params = (Name ',')* Name? ;
Name = "mut"? Identifier (':' Type )? ;
(* # Type Expressions *)
(* types *)
TypeExpr = Never | Empty | TypeTuple | PathExpr ;
Never = '!' ;
Empty = '(' ')' ;
TypeTuple = '(' (TypeExpr ',')* TypeExpr? ')' ;
PathExpr = '::'? PathPart ;
PathPart = "super" | Identifier ;
(* # Expressions *)
(* expression *)
Expr = Assign ;
Block = '{' Stmt* Expr? '}' ;
Primary = Identifier | Literal
| Block | Group | Branch ;
(* expression::call *)
Call = FnCall | Primary ;
FnCall = Primary ('(' Tuple? ')')? ;
(* expression::tuple *)
Group = '(' Tuple? ')' ;
Tuple = Expr (',' Expr)* ;
(* expression::math *)
Assign = Identifier (AssignOp Assign) | Compare ;
Compare = Range (CompareOp Range )* ;
Range = Logic (RangeOp Logic )* ;
Logic = Bitwise (LogicOp Bitwise)* ;
Bitwise = Shift (BitwiseOp Shift )* ;
Shift = Term (ShiftOp Term )* ;
Term = Factor (TermOp Factor )* ;
Factor = Unary (FactorOp Unary )* ;
Unary = (UnaryOp)* Call ;
(* expression::math::operator *)
AssignOp = '=' | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" |
"&=" | "|=" | "^=" |"<<=" |">>=" ;
CompareOp = '<' | "<=" | "==" | "!=" | ">=" | '>' ;
RangeOp = ".." | "..=" ;
LogicOp = "&&" | "||" | "^^" ;
BitwiseOp = '&' | '|' | '^' ;
ShiftOp = "<<" | ">>";
TermOp = '+' | '-' ;
FactorOp = '*' | '/' | '%' ;
UnaryOp = '*' | '&' | '-' | '!' ;
(* expression::control *)
Branch = While | If | For | Break | Return | Continue ;
If = "if" Expr Block (Else)? ;
While = "while" Expr Block (Else)? ;
For = "for" Identifier "in" Expr Block (Else)? ;
Else = "else" Expr ;
Break = "break" Expr ;
Return = "return" Expr ;
Continue = "continue" ;