use super::*; use cl_lexer::error::{Error as LexError, Reason}; use std::fmt::Display; pub type PResult = Result; /// Contains information about [Parser] errors #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Error { pub reason: ErrorKind, pub while_parsing: Parsing, pub loc: Loc, } impl std::error::Error for Error {} /// Represents the reason for parse failure #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum ErrorKind { Lexical(LexError), EndOfInput, UnmatchedParentheses, UnmatchedCurlyBraces, UnmatchedSquareBrackets, Unexpected(TokenKind), ExpectedToken { want: TokenKind, got: TokenKind, }, ExpectedParsing { want: Parsing, }, /// Indicates unfinished code Todo(&'static str), } impl From for ErrorKind { fn from(value: LexError) -> Self { match value.reason() { Reason::EndOfFile => Self::EndOfInput, _ => Self::Lexical(value), } } } /// Compactly represents the stage of parsing an [Error] originated in #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Parsing { Mutability, Visibility, Identifier, Literal, File, Attrs, Meta, MetaKind, Item, ItemKind, Alias, Const, Static, Module, ModuleKind, Function, Param, Struct, StructKind, StructMember, Enum, EnumKind, Variant, VariantKind, Impl, ImplKind, Use, UseTree, Ty, TyKind, TySlice, TyArray, TyTuple, TyRef, TyFn, Path, PathPart, Stmt, StmtKind, Let, Expr, ExprKind, Assign, AssignKind, Binary, BinaryKind, Unary, UnaryKind, Cast, Index, Structor, Fielder, Call, Member, Array, ArrayRep, AddrOf, Block, Group, Tuple, Loop, While, If, For, Else, Break, Return, Continue, Pattern, Match, MatchArm, } impl Display for Error { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { let Self { reason, while_parsing, loc } = self; match reason { // TODO entries are debug-printed ErrorKind::Todo(_) => write!(f, "{loc} {reason} {while_parsing:?}"), // lexical errors print their own higher-resolution loc info ErrorKind::Lexical(e) => write!(f, "{e} (while parsing {while_parsing})"), _ => write!(f, "{loc} {reason} while parsing {while_parsing}"), } } } impl Display for ErrorKind { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { ErrorKind::Lexical(e) => e.fmt(f), ErrorKind::EndOfInput => write!(f, "End of input"), ErrorKind::UnmatchedParentheses => write!(f, "Unmatched parentheses"), ErrorKind::UnmatchedCurlyBraces => write!(f, "Unmatched curly braces"), ErrorKind::UnmatchedSquareBrackets => write!(f, "Unmatched square brackets"), ErrorKind::Unexpected(t) => write!(f, "Encountered unexpected token `{t}`"), ErrorKind::ExpectedToken { want: e, got: g } => write!(f, "Expected `{e}`, got `{g}`"), ErrorKind::ExpectedParsing { want } => write!(f, "Expected {want}"), ErrorKind::Todo(unfinished) => write!(f, "TODO: {unfinished}"), } } } impl Display for Parsing { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { Parsing::Visibility => "a visibility qualifier", Parsing::Mutability => "a mutability qualifier", Parsing::Identifier => "an identifier", Parsing::Literal => "a literal", Parsing::File => "a file", Parsing::Attrs => "an attribute-set", Parsing::Meta => "an attribute", Parsing::MetaKind => "an attribute's arguments", Parsing::Item => "an item", Parsing::ItemKind => "an item", Parsing::Alias => "a type alias", Parsing::Const => "a const item", Parsing::Static => "a static variable", Parsing::Module => "a module", Parsing::ModuleKind => "a module", Parsing::Function => "a function", Parsing::Param => "a function parameter", Parsing::Struct => "a struct", Parsing::StructKind => "a struct", Parsing::StructMember => "a struct member", Parsing::Enum => "an enum", Parsing::EnumKind => "an enum", Parsing::Variant => "an enum variant", Parsing::VariantKind => "an enum variant", Parsing::Impl => "an impl block", Parsing::ImplKind => "the target of an impl block", Parsing::Use => "a use item", Parsing::UseTree => "a use-tree", Parsing::Ty => "a type", Parsing::TyKind => "a type", Parsing::TySlice => "a slice type", Parsing::TyArray => "an array type", Parsing::TyTuple => "a tuple of types", Parsing::TyRef => "a reference type", Parsing::TyFn => "a function pointer type", Parsing::Path => "a path", Parsing::PathPart => "a path component", Parsing::Stmt => "a statement", Parsing::StmtKind => "a statement", Parsing::Let => "a local variable declaration", Parsing::Expr => "an expression", Parsing::ExprKind => "an expression", Parsing::Assign => "an assignment", Parsing::AssignKind => "an assignment operator", Parsing::Binary => "a binary expression", Parsing::BinaryKind => "a binary operator", Parsing::Unary => "a unary expression", Parsing::UnaryKind => "a unary operator", Parsing::Cast => "an `as`-casting expression", Parsing::Index => "an indexing expression", Parsing::Structor => "a struct constructor expression", Parsing::Fielder => "a struct field expression", Parsing::Call => "a call expression", Parsing::Member => "a member access expression", Parsing::Array => "an array", Parsing::ArrayRep => "an array of form [k;N]", Parsing::AddrOf => "a borrow op", Parsing::Block => "a block", Parsing::Group => "a grouped expression", Parsing::Tuple => "a tuple", Parsing::Loop => "an unconditional loop expression", Parsing::While => "a while expression", Parsing::If => "an if expression", Parsing::For => "a for expression", Parsing::Else => "an else block", Parsing::Break => "a break expression", Parsing::Return => "a return expression", Parsing::Continue => "a continue expression", Parsing::Pattern => "a pattern", Parsing::Match => "a match expression", Parsing::MatchArm => "a match arm", } .fmt(f) } }