//! A [Token] contains a single unit of lexical information, and an optional bit of [TokenData] use super::{TokenData, TokenKind}; /// Contains a single unit of lexical information, /// and an optional bit of [TokenData] #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct Token { pub ty: TokenKind, pub data: TokenData, pub line: u32, pub col: u32, } impl Token { /// Creates a new [Token] out of a [TokenKind], [TokenData], line, and column. pub fn new(ty: TokenKind, data: impl Into, line: u32, col: u32) -> Self { Self { ty, data: data.into(), line, col } } /// Casts this token to a new [TokenKind] pub fn cast(self, ty: TokenKind) -> Self { Self { ty, ..self } } /// Returns the [TokenKind] of this token pub fn ty(&self) -> TokenKind { self.ty } /// Returns a reference to this token's [TokenData] pub fn data(&self) -> &TokenData { &self.data } /// Converts this token into its inner [TokenData] pub fn into_data(self) -> TokenData { self.data } /// Returns the line where this token originated pub fn line(&self) -> u32 { self.line } /// Returns the column where this token originated pub fn col(&self) -> u32 { self.col } }