//! Converts a text file into tokens #![warn(clippy::all)] #![feature(decl_macro)] use cl_structures::span::Loc; use cl_token::{TokenKind as Kind, *}; use std::{ iter::Peekable, str::{Chars, FromStr}, }; use unicode_ident::*; #[cfg(test)] mod tests; pub mod lexer_iter { //! Iterator over a [`Lexer`], returning [`LResult`]s use super::{ error::{LResult, Reason}, Lexer, Token, }; /// Iterator over a [`Lexer`], returning [`LResult`]s pub struct LexerIter<'t> { lexer: Lexer<'t>, } impl<'t> Iterator for LexerIter<'t> { type Item = LResult; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { match self.lexer.scan() { Ok(v) => Some(Ok(v)), Err(e) => { if e.reason == Reason::EndOfFile { None } else { Some(Err(e)) } } } } } impl<'t> IntoIterator for Lexer<'t> { type Item = LResult; type IntoIter = LexerIter<'t>; fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { LexerIter { lexer: self } } } } /// The Lexer iterates over the characters in a body of text, searching for [Tokens](Token). /// /// # Examples /// ```rust /// # use cl_lexer::Lexer; /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { /// // Read in your code from somewhere /// let some_code = " /// fn main () { /// // TODO: code goes here! /// } /// "; /// // Create a lexer over your code /// let mut lexer = Lexer::new(some_code); /// // Scan for a single token /// let first_token = lexer.scan()?; /// println!("{first_token:?}"); /// // Loop over all the rest of the tokens /// for token in lexer { /// # let token: Result<_,()> = Ok(token?); /// match token { /// Ok(token) => println!("{token:?}"), /// Err(e) => eprintln!("{e:?}"), /// } /// } /// # Ok(()) } /// ``` #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Lexer<'t> { iter: Peekable>, start: usize, start_loc: (u32, u32), current: usize, current_loc: (u32, u32), } impl<'t> Lexer<'t> { /// Creates a new [Lexer] over a [str] pub fn new(text: &'t str) -> Self { Self { iter: text.chars().peekable(), start: 0, start_loc: (1, 1), current: 0, current_loc: (1, 1), } } /// Scans through the text, searching for the next [Token] pub fn scan(&mut self) -> LResult { match self.skip_whitespace().peek()? { '{' => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::LCurly), '}' => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::RCurly), '[' => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::LBrack), ']' => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::RBrack), '(' => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::LParen), ')' => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::RParen), '&' => self.consume()?.amp(), '@' => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::At), '\\' => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::Backslash), '!' => self.consume()?.bang(), '|' => self.consume()?.bar(), ':' => self.consume()?.colon(), ',' => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::Comma), '.' => self.consume()?.dot(), '=' => self.consume()?.equal(), '`' => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::Grave), '>' => self.consume()?.greater(), '#' => self.consume()?.hash(), '<' => self.consume()?.less(), '-' => self.consume()?.minus(), '+' => self.consume()?.plus(), '?' => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::Question), '%' => self.consume()?.rem(), ';' => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::Semi), '/' => self.consume()?.slash(), '*' => self.consume()?.star(), '~' => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::Tilde), '^' => self.consume()?.xor(), '0' => self.consume()?.int_with_base(), '1'..='9' => self.digits::<10>(), '"' => self.consume()?.string(), '\'' => self.consume()?.character(), '_' => self.identifier(), i if is_xid_start(i) => self.identifier(), e => { let err = Err(Error::unexpected_char(e, self.line(), self.col())); let _ = self.consume(); err } } } /// Returns the current line pub fn line(&self) -> u32 { self.start_loc.0 } /// Returns the current column pub fn col(&self) -> u32 { self.start_loc.1 } fn next(&mut self) -> LResult { let out = self.peek(); self.consume()?; out } fn peek(&mut self) -> LResult { self.iter .peek() .copied() .ok_or(Error::end_of_file(self.line(), self.col())) } fn produce(&mut self, kind: Kind, data: impl Into) -> LResult { let loc = self.start_loc; self.start_loc = self.current_loc; self.start = self.current; Ok(Token::new(kind, data, loc.0, loc.1)) } fn produce_op(&mut self, kind: Kind) -> LResult { self.produce(kind, ()) } fn skip_whitespace(&mut self) -> &mut Self { while let Ok(c) = self.peek() { if !c.is_whitespace() { break; } let _ = self.consume(); } self.start = self.current; self.start_loc = self.current_loc; self } fn consume(&mut self) -> LResult<&mut Self> { self.current += 1; match self.iter.next() { Some('\n') => { let (line, col) = &mut self.current_loc; *line += 1; *col = 1; } Some(_) => self.current_loc.1 += 1, None => Err(Error::end_of_file(self.line(), self.col()))?, } Ok(self) } } /// Digraphs and trigraphs impl<'t> Lexer<'t> { fn amp(&mut self) -> LResult { match self.peek() { Ok('&') => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::AmpAmp), Ok('=') => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::AmpEq), _ => self.produce_op(Kind::Amp), } } fn bang(&mut self) -> LResult { match self.peek() { Ok('!') => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::BangBang), Ok('=') => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::BangEq), _ => self.produce_op(Kind::Bang), } } fn bar(&mut self) -> LResult { match self.peek() { Ok('|') => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::BarBar), Ok('=') => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::BarEq), _ => self.produce_op(Kind::Bar), } } fn colon(&mut self) -> LResult { match self.peek() { Ok(':') => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::ColonColon), _ => self.produce_op(Kind::Colon), } } fn dot(&mut self) -> LResult { match self.peek() { Ok('.') => { if let Ok('=') = self.consume()?.peek() { self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::DotDotEq) } else { self.produce_op(Kind::DotDot) } } _ => self.produce_op(Kind::Dot), } } fn equal(&mut self) -> LResult { match self.peek() { Ok('=') => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::EqEq), Ok('>') => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::FatArrow), _ => self.produce_op(Kind::Eq), } } fn greater(&mut self) -> LResult { match self.peek() { Ok('=') => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::GtEq), Ok('>') => { if let Ok('=') = self.consume()?.peek() { self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::GtGtEq) } else { self.produce_op(Kind::GtGt) } } _ => self.produce_op(Kind::Gt), } } fn hash(&mut self) -> LResult { match self.peek() { Ok('!') => self.consume()?.hashbang(), _ => self.produce_op(Kind::Hash), } } fn hashbang(&mut self) -> LResult { match self.peek() { Ok('/' | '\'') => self.line_comment(), _ => self.produce_op(Kind::HashBang), } } fn less(&mut self) -> LResult { match self.peek() { Ok('=') => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::LtEq), Ok('<') => { if let Ok('=') = self.consume()?.peek() { self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::LtLtEq) } else { self.produce_op(Kind::LtLt) } } _ => self.produce_op(Kind::Lt), } } fn minus(&mut self) -> LResult { match self.peek() { Ok('=') => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::MinusEq), Ok('>') => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::Arrow), _ => self.produce_op(Kind::Minus), } } fn plus(&mut self) -> LResult { match self.peek() { Ok('=') => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::PlusEq), _ => self.produce_op(Kind::Plus), } } fn rem(&mut self) -> LResult { match self.peek() { Ok('=') => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::RemEq), _ => self.produce_op(Kind::Rem), } } fn slash(&mut self) -> LResult { match self.peek() { Ok('=') => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::SlashEq), Ok('/') => self.consume()?.line_comment(), Ok('*') => self.consume()?.block_comment(), _ => self.produce_op(Kind::Slash), } } fn star(&mut self) -> LResult { match self.peek() { Ok('=') => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::StarEq), _ => self.produce_op(Kind::Star), } } fn xor(&mut self) -> LResult { match self.peek() { Ok('=') => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::XorEq), Ok('^') => self.consume()?.produce_op(Kind::XorXor), _ => self.produce_op(Kind::Xor), } } } /// Comments impl<'t> Lexer<'t> { fn line_comment(&mut self) -> LResult { let mut comment = String::new(); while Ok('\n') != self.peek() { comment.push(self.next()?); } self.produce(Kind::Comment, comment) } fn block_comment(&mut self) -> LResult { let mut comment = String::new(); while let Ok(c) = self.next() { if '*' == c && Ok('/') == self.peek() { break; } comment.push(c); } self.consume()?.produce(Kind::Comment, comment) } } /// Identifiers impl<'t> Lexer<'t> { fn identifier(&mut self) -> LResult { let mut out = String::from(self.xid_start()?); while let Ok(c) = self.xid_continue() { out.push(c) } if let Ok(keyword) = Kind::from_str(&out) { self.produce(keyword, ()) } else { self.produce(Kind::Identifier, TokenData::String(out)) } } fn xid_start(&mut self) -> LResult { match self.peek()? { xid if xid == '_' || is_xid_start(xid) => { self.consume()?; Ok(xid) } bad => Err(Error::not_identifier(bad, self.line(), self.col())), } } fn xid_continue(&mut self) -> LResult { match self.peek()? { xid if is_xid_continue(xid) => { self.consume()?; Ok(xid) } bad => Err(Error::not_identifier(bad, self.line(), self.col())), } } } /// Integers impl<'t> Lexer<'t> { fn int_with_base(&mut self) -> LResult { match self.peek() { Ok('x') => self.consume()?.digits::<16>(), Ok('d') => self.consume()?.digits::<10>(), Ok('o') => self.consume()?.digits::<8>(), Ok('b') => self.consume()?.digits::<2>(), Ok('0'..='9') => self.digits::<10>(), _ => self.produce(Kind::Literal, 0), } } fn digits(&mut self) -> LResult { let mut value = self.digit::()? as u128; while let Ok(true) = self.peek().as_ref().map(char::is_ascii_alphanumeric) { value = value * B as u128 + self.digit::()? as u128; } self.produce(Kind::Literal, value) } fn digit(&mut self) -> LResult { let digit = self.peek()?; self.consume()?; digit .to_digit(B) .ok_or(Error::invalid_digit(digit, self.line(), self.col())) } } /// Strings and characters impl<'t> Lexer<'t> { fn string(&mut self) -> LResult { let mut value = String::new(); while '"' != self .peek() .map_err(|e| e.mask_reason(Reason::UnmatchedDelimiters('"')))? { value.push(self.unescape()?) } self.consume()?.produce(Kind::Literal, value) } fn character(&mut self) -> LResult { let out = self.unescape()?; match self.peek()? { '\'' => self.consume()?.produce(Kind::Literal, out), _ => Err(Error::unmatched_delimiters('\'', self.line(), self.col())), } } /// Unescape a single character fn unescape(&mut self) -> LResult { match self.next() { Ok('\\') => (), other => return other, } Ok(match self.next()? { 'a' => '\x07', 'b' => '\x08', 'f' => '\x0c', 'n' => '\n', 'r' => '\r', 't' => '\t', 'x' => self.hex_escape()?, 'u' => self.unicode_escape()?, '0' => '\0', chr => chr, }) } /// unescape a single 2-digit hex escape fn hex_escape(&mut self) -> LResult { let out = (self.digit::<16>()? << 4) + self.digit::<16>()?; char::from_u32(out).ok_or(Error::bad_unicode(out, self.line(), self.col())) } /// unescape a single \u{} unicode escape fn unicode_escape(&mut self) -> LResult { let mut out = 0; let Ok('{') = self.peek() else { return Err(Error::invalid_escape('u', self.line(), self.col())); }; self.consume()?; while let Ok(c) = self.peek() { match c { '}' => { self.consume()?; return char::from_u32(out).ok_or(Error::bad_unicode( out, self.line(), self.col(), )); } _ => out = (out << 4) + self.digit::<16>()?, } } Err(Error::invalid_escape('u', self.line(), self.col())) } } impl<'t> From<&Lexer<'t>> for Loc { fn from(value: &Lexer<'t>) -> Self { Loc(value.line(), value.col()) } } use error::{Error, LResult, Reason}; pub mod error { //! [Error] type for the [Lexer](super::Lexer) use std::fmt::Display; /// Result type with [Err] = [Error] pub type LResult = Result; #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Error { pub reason: Reason, pub line: u32, pub col: u32, } /// The reason for the [Error] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Reason { /// Found an opening delimiter of type [char], but not the expected closing delimiter UnmatchedDelimiters(char), /// Found a character that doesn't belong to any [Kind](cl_token::Kind) UnexpectedChar(char), /// Found a character that's not valid in identifiers while looking for an identifier NotIdentifier(char), /// Found a character that's not valid in an escape sequence while looking for an escape /// sequence UnknownEscape(char), /// Escape sequence contains invalid hexadecimal digit or unmatched braces InvalidEscape(char), /// Character is not a valid digit in the requested base InvalidDigit(char), /// Base conversion requested, but the base character was not in the set of known /// characters UnknownBase(char), /// Unicode escape does not map to a valid unicode code-point BadUnicode(u32), /// Reached end of input EndOfFile, } error_impl! { unmatched_delimiters(c: char) => Reason::UnmatchedDelimiters(c), unexpected_char(c: char) => Reason::UnexpectedChar(c), not_identifier(c: char) => Reason::NotIdentifier(c), unknown_escape(e: char) => Reason::UnknownEscape(e), invalid_escape(e: char) => Reason::InvalidEscape(e), invalid_digit(digit: char) => Reason::InvalidDigit(digit), unknown_base(base: char) => Reason::UnknownBase(base), bad_unicode(value: u32) => Reason::BadUnicode(value), end_of_file => Reason::EndOfFile, } impl Error { /// Changes the [Reason] of this error pub(super) fn mask_reason(self, reason: Reason) -> Self { Self { reason, ..self } } /// Returns the [Reason] for this error pub fn reason(&self) -> &Reason { &self.reason } /// Returns the (line, col) where the error happened pub fn location(&self) -> (u32, u32) { (self.line, self.col) } } macro error_impl ($($fn:ident$(( $($p:ident: $t:ty),* ))? => $reason:expr),*$(,)?) { #[allow(dead_code)] impl Error { $(pub(super) fn $fn ($($($p: $t),*,)? line: u32, col: u32) -> Self { Self { reason: $reason, line, col } })* } } impl std::error::Error for Error {} impl Display for Error { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}:{}: {}", self.line, self.col, self.reason) } } impl Display for Reason { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { Reason::UnmatchedDelimiters(c) => write! {f, "Unmatched `{c}` in input"}, Reason::UnexpectedChar(c) => write!(f, "Character `{c}` not expected"), Reason::NotIdentifier(c) => write!(f, "Character `{c}` not valid in identifiers"), Reason::UnknownEscape(c) => write!(f, "`\\{c}` is not a known escape sequence"), Reason::InvalidEscape(c) => write!(f, "Escape sequence `\\{c}`... is malformed"), Reason::InvalidDigit(c) => write!(f, "`{c}` is not a valid digit"), Reason::UnknownBase(c) => write!(f, "`0{c}`... is not a valid base"), Reason::BadUnicode(c) => write!(f, "`{c}` is not a valid unicode code-point"), Reason::EndOfFile => write!(f, "Reached end of input"), } } } }