- Allowed builtins to self-describe
- Broke builtins into their own module
- Created a macro to work with BuiltIns easier
- Uses macro 2.0 syntax, so it requires passing in ALL externally referenced identifiers
- Luckily, this is already a requirement of good, readable macro definitions!
- As a temporary hack, turn overloadable operators into function calls
- This is kind of pointless at the moment, since there can only be one definition of a function per name (no ADL/function overloading/traits/type namespaces yet!)
- This is also pretty slow, but benchmarking shows it's not as slow as I thought (~400x slower in release mode than a native Rust implementation when running `fib.cl`/`fib.rs`. Totally unacceptable for most work, but this is a tree walk interpreter.)
- TODO: Remove this when desugaring from operators to function calls is implemented
Broke frontend into its own library, "cl-frontend"
- Frontend is pretty :D
- Included sample fibonacci implementation
Deprecated conlang::ast::Visitor in favor of bespoke traits
- Rust traits are super cool.
- The Interpreter is currently undergoing a major rewrite
Added preliminary type-path support to the parser
- Currently incomplete: type paths must end in Never..?
Pretty printer is now even prettier
- conlang::ast now exports all relevant AST nodes, since there are no namespace collisions any more
- Scan the input string *linearly*, without backtracking
- Peek at most one character (unicode code-point) ahead
- Store data (unescaped string literals and chars, identifiers, integers, floats) inside Token
- This unfortunately makes tokens non-Copy
- Refactor Parser to accommodate these changes
- On the bright side, Parser no longer needs a reference to the text!
- Write a new set of lexer tests
- TODO: write a new set of token tests using tokendata
Every day, we get closer to parsing `dummy.cl`!
- Unified math operations into a single self-referential enum
- Walk now visits the children of a node, rather than the node itself
- The old behavior was super confusing, and led to numerous stack overflows.
- Renamed literal Types to reflect their literal nature
- This allows for consistent naming across future non-literal Types
- Complicated lexer Rules have been split into composable sub-rules,
and moved into the Rule struct.
- This improves modularity, and allows sharing of sub-rules across rules.
- Documented each lexer rule with (at least) a one-line blurb
describing its function