conlang: deprecate the AST
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
//! [`Identifier`]` := `[`IDENTIFIER`](crate::token::token_type::Type::Identifier)
//! See [statement], [literal], and [expression] for more information.
pub mod preamble {
//! Common imports for working with the [ast](super)
@ -123,12 +123,30 @@ pub mod statement {
/// # Syntax
/// [`Fn`](Stmt::Fn) := `"fn"` [`Identifier`] `'('` `Args...` `')'` [`Block`]
/// Contains a module declaration
/// # Syntax
/// [`Mod`](Stmt::Mod) := `"mod"` [`Identifier`] `'{'`
/// `'}'`
/// Contains an expression statement
/// # Syntax
/// [`Expr`](Stmt::Expr) := [`Expr`] `;`
/// Contains the declarations allowed in a module
/// # Syntax
/// [Mod](Module::Mod) := "mod" [Identifier] '{' [Module] '}'
/// [`Let`](Module::Let) := `"let"` [`Identifier`] (`:` `Type`)? (`=` [`Expr`])? `;`
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Module {
/// Contains a variable declaration
/// # Syntax
/// [`Let`] := `let` [`Identifier`] (`:`) `Type`)? (`=` [`Expr`])? `;`
@ -160,7 +178,22 @@ pub mod statement {
pub ty: Option<TypeExpr>,
/// Contains the name and declaration
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ModuleDecl {}
// TODO: Create closure, transmute fndecl into a name and closure
/// Contains the name and field information for a struct
/// # Syntax
/// [`StructDecl`]` := "struct" `[`Identifier`]` '{'
/// (`[`Identifier`]` ':' `[`TypeExpr`]`),*
/// '}'`
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct StructDecl {
pub name: Identifier,
pub data: Vec<(Identifier, TypeExpr)>,
pub mod path {
@ -324,6 +357,10 @@ pub mod expression {
pub callee: Box<Primary>,
pub args: Vec<Tuple>,
pub fn FnCall(callee: Box<Primary>, args: Vec<Tuple>) -> FnCall {
FnCall { callee, args }
pub mod tuple {
@ -762,6 +799,16 @@ pub mod todo {
//! traits, modules, etc.
pub mod module {
//! Module support
//! - [ ] Add Module Declaration type : ModDecl = "mod" Identifier '{' Module '}' ;
//! - [ ] Change Program to Module : Module = (ModDecl | FnDecl | Let)*
//! - [ ] Implementer's note: Modules must be traversed breadth-first, with no
//! alpha-renaming
//! - [ ] Blocks should probably also be traversed breadth-first, and Let declarations
//! hoisted up, leaving initialization assignments in-place
pub mod structure {
//! Struct support
//! - [ ] Add struct declaration expression (returns a struct declaration)
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
//! Parses [tokens](super::token) into an [AST](super::ast)
use super::{ast::preamble::*, lexer::Lexer, token::preamble::*};
use error::{Error, *};
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
//! A [Printer] pretty-prints a Conlang [syntax tree](crate::ast)
use super::ast::preamble::*;
use std::{
@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
//! This will hopefully become a fully fledged static resolution pass in the future
use std::collections::HashMap;
use crate::ast::preamble::*;
use scopeguard::Scoped;
pub mod scopeguard {
//! Implements a generic RAII scope-guard
@ -488,362 +486,374 @@ pub trait Resolve {
impl Resolve for Start {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let Self(program) = self;
impl Resolve for Program {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let Self(module) = self;
for decl in module {
// TODO: record the number of module-level assignments into the AST
impl Resolve for Stmt {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
match self {
Stmt::Let(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Stmt::Fn(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Stmt::Expr(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
mod ast1 {
use super::*;
use crate::ast::preamble::*;
impl Resolve for Start {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let Self(program) = self;
impl Resolve for Let {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let Let { name: Name { symbol: Identifier { name, index }, mutable, ty: _ }, init } = self;
debugln!("ty> let {name} ...");
if let Some(init) = init {
let ty = init.resolve(resolver)?;
*index = Some(resolver.insert_scope(name, *mutable)?);
resolver.get_mut(name)?.assign(name, &ty)?;
} else {
resolver.insert_scope(name, *mutable)?;
impl Resolve for FnDecl {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let FnDecl { name: Name { symbol: Identifier { name, index }, .. }, args, body } = self;
debugln!("ty> fn {name} ...");
// register the name at module scope
*index = Some(resolver.insert_module(name, false)?);
// create a new lexical scope
let scopes = std::mem::take(&mut resolver.scopes);
// type-check the function body
let out = {
let mut resolver = resolver.frame();
let mut evaluated_args = vec![];
for arg in args {
evaluated_args.push(arg.resolve(&mut resolver)?)
impl Resolve for Program {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let Self(module) = self;
for decl in module {
let fn_decl = Type::Fn { args: evaluated_args.clone(), ret: Box::new(Type::Empty) };
resolver.get_mut(name)?.assign(name, &fn_decl)?;
module!(resolver, name, { body.resolve(&mut resolver) })
let _ = std::mem::replace(&mut resolver.scopes, scopes);
impl Resolve for Name {
fn resolve(&mut self, _resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
impl Resolve for Block {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let Block { let_count: _, statements, expr } = self;
let mut resolver = resolver.frame();
for stmt in statements {
stmt.resolve(&mut resolver)?;
// TODO: record the number of module-level assignments into the AST
expr.resolve(&mut resolver)
impl Resolve for Expr {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let Expr(expr) = self;
impl Resolve for Stmt {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
match self {
Stmt::Let(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Stmt::Fn(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Stmt::Expr(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
impl Resolve for Let {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let Let { name: Name { symbol: Identifier { name, index }, mutable, ty: _ }, init } =
debugln!("ty> let {name} ...");
if let Some(init) = init {
let ty = init.resolve(resolver)?;
*index = Some(resolver.insert_scope(name, *mutable)?);
resolver.get_mut(name)?.assign(name, &ty)?;
} else {
resolver.insert_scope(name, *mutable)?;
impl Resolve for FnDecl {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let FnDecl { name: Name { symbol: Identifier { name, index }, .. }, args, body } = self;
debugln!("ty> fn {name} ...");
// register the name at module scope
*index = Some(resolver.insert_module(name, false)?);
// create a new lexical scope
let scopes = std::mem::take(&mut resolver.scopes);
// type-check the function body
let out = {
let mut resolver = resolver.frame();
let mut evaluated_args = vec![];
for arg in args {
evaluated_args.push(arg.resolve(&mut resolver)?)
let fn_decl = Type::Fn { args: evaluated_args.clone(), ret: Box::new(Type::Empty) };
resolver.get_mut(name)?.assign(name, &fn_decl)?;
module!(resolver, name, { body.resolve(&mut resolver) })
let _ = std::mem::replace(&mut resolver.scopes, scopes);
impl Resolve for Name {
fn resolve(&mut self, _resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
impl Resolve for Block {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let Block { let_count: _, statements, expr } = self;
let mut resolver = resolver.frame();
for stmt in statements {
stmt.resolve(&mut resolver)?;
expr.resolve(&mut resolver)
impl Resolve for Expr {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let Expr(expr) = self;
impl Resolve for Operation {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
match self {
Operation::Assign(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Operation::Binary(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Operation::Unary(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Operation::Call(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
impl Resolve for Operation {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
match self {
Operation::Assign(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Operation::Binary(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Operation::Unary(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Operation::Call(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
impl Resolve for Assign {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let Assign { target, operator, init } = self;
// Evaluate the initializer expression
let ty = init.resolve(resolver)?;
// Resolve the variable
match (operator, resolver.get_mut(& {
Variable { status: Status::Initialized(_), mutable: false, index },
) => Err(Error::ImmutableAssign(, *index)),
// TODO: make typing more expressive for modifying assignment
(_, variable) => variable
.modify_assign(&, &ty)
.map(|_| Type::Empty),
impl Resolve for Assign {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let Assign { target, operator, init } = self;
// Evaluate the initializer expression
let ty = init.resolve(resolver)?;
// Resolve the variable
match (operator, resolver.get_mut(& {
Variable { status: Status::Initialized(_), mutable: false, index },
) => Err(Error::ImmutableAssign(, *index)),
// TODO: make typing more expressive for modifying assignment
(_, variable) => variable
.modify_assign(&, &ty)
.map(|_| Type::Empty),
impl Resolve for Binary {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let Binary { first, other } = self;
impl Resolve for Binary {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let Binary { first, other } = self;
let mut first = first.resolve(resolver)?;
for (op, other) in other {
let other = other.resolve(resolver)?;
first = resolver.resolve_binary_operator(first, other, op)?;
impl Resolve for Unary {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let Unary { operators, operand } = self;
let mut operand = operand.resolve(resolver)?;
for op in operators {
operand = resolver.resolve_unary_operator(operand, op)?;
/// Resolve [operator]s
impl Resolver {
fn resolve_binary_operator(
&mut self,
first: Type,
other: Type,
op: &operator::Binary,
) -> TyResult<Type> {
// TODO: check type compatibility for binary ops
// TODO: desugar binary ops into function calls, when member functions are a thing
eprintln!("Resolve binary operators {first} {op:?} {other}");
if first != other {
Err(Error::TypeMismatch { want: first, got: other })
} else {
let mut first = first.resolve(resolver)?;
for (op, other) in other {
let other = other.resolve(resolver)?;
first = resolver.resolve_binary_operator(first, other, op)?;
fn resolve_unary_operator(&mut self, operand: Type, op: &operator::Unary) -> TyResult<Type> {
// TODO: Allow more expressive unary operator type conversions
todo!("Resolve unary operators {op:?} {operand}")
impl Resolve for Call {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
match self {
Call::FnCall(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Call::Primary(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
impl Resolve for Unary {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let Unary { operators, operand } = self;
let mut operand = operand.resolve(resolver)?;
for op in operators {
operand = resolver.resolve_unary_operator(operand, op)?;
impl Resolve for FnCall {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let FnCall { callee, args } = self;
let mut callee = callee.resolve(resolver)?;
for argset in args {
// arguments should always be a tuple here
let arguments = argset.resolve(resolver)?;
let Type::Tuple(arguments) = arguments else {
Err(Error::TypeMismatch {
want: Type::Tuple(vec![Type::ManyInferred]),
got: arguments,
// Verify that the callee is a function, and the arguments match.
// We need the arguments
let Type::Fn { args, ret } = callee else {
return Err(Error::TypeMismatch {
want: Type::Fn { args: arguments, ret: Type::Inferred.into() },
got: callee,
for (want, got) in args.iter().zip(&arguments) {
// TODO: verify generics
if let Type::Generic(_) = want {
if want != got {
/// Resolve [operator]s
impl Resolver {
fn resolve_binary_operator(
&mut self,
first: Type,
other: Type,
op: &operator::Binary,
) -> TyResult<Type> {
// TODO: check type compatibility for binary ops
// TODO: desugar binary ops into function calls, when member functions are a thing
eprintln!("Resolve binary operators {first} {op:?} {other}");
if first != other {
Err(Error::TypeMismatch { want: first, got: other })
} else {
fn resolve_unary_operator(
&mut self,
operand: Type,
op: &operator::Unary,
) -> TyResult<Type> {
// TODO: Allow more expressive unary operator type conversions
todo!("Resolve unary operators {op:?} {operand}")
impl Resolve for Call {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
match self {
Call::FnCall(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Call::Primary(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
impl Resolve for FnCall {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let FnCall { callee, args } = self;
let mut callee = callee.resolve(resolver)?;
for argset in args {
// arguments should always be a tuple here
let arguments = argset.resolve(resolver)?;
let Type::Tuple(arguments) = arguments else {
Err(Error::TypeMismatch {
want: Type::Tuple(vec![Type::ManyInferred]),
got: arguments,
// Verify that the callee is a function, and the arguments match.
// We need the arguments
let Type::Fn { args, ret } = callee else {
return Err(Error::TypeMismatch {
want: Type::Fn { args: arguments, ret: Type::Inferred.into() },
got: Type::Fn { args, ret },
got: callee,
for (want, got) in args.iter().zip(&arguments) {
// TODO: verify generics
if let Type::Generic(_) = want {
if want != got {
return Err(Error::TypeMismatch {
want: Type::Fn { args: arguments, ret: Type::Inferred.into() },
got: Type::Fn { args, ret },
callee = *ret;
callee = *ret;
impl Resolve for Primary {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
match self {
Primary::Identifier(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Primary::Literal(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Primary::Block(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Primary::Group(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Primary::Branch(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
impl Resolve for Primary {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
match self {
Primary::Identifier(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Primary::Literal(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Primary::Block(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Primary::Group(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Primary::Branch(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
impl Resolve for Group {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
match self {
Group::Tuple(tuple) => tuple.resolve(resolver),
Group::Single(expr) => expr.resolve(resolver),
Group::Empty => Ok(Type::Empty),
impl Resolve for Tuple {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let Tuple { elements } = self;
let mut types = vec![];
for expr in elements.iter_mut() {
impl Resolve for Identifier {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let Identifier { name, index: id_index } = self;
let Variable { index, status, .. } = resolver.get(name)?;
*id_index = Some(*index);
let ty = match status {
Status::Initialized(t) => t,
_ => Err(Error::Uninitialized(name.to_owned(), *index))?,
debugln!("ty> Resolved {} #{index}: {ty}", name);
impl Resolve for Literal {
fn resolve(&mut self, _resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
Ok(match self {
Literal::String(_) => Type::String,
Literal::Char(_) => Type::Char,
Literal::Bool(_) => Type::Bool,
Literal::Float(_) => Type::Float,
Literal::Int(_) => Type::Int,
impl Resolve for Flow {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
// TODO: Finish this
match self {
Flow::While(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Flow::If(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Flow::For(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Flow::Continue(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Flow::Return(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Flow::Break(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
impl Resolve for While {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
// TODO: Finish this
// Visit else first, save that to a break-pattern stack in the Resolver,
// and check it inside Break::resolve()
let While { cond, body, else_ } = self;
cond.resolve(resolver)?; // must be Type::Bool
body.resolve(resolver)?; // discard
else_.resolve(resolver) // compare with returns inside body
impl Resolve for If {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let If { cond, body, else_ } = self;
let cond = cond.resolve(resolver)?;
if Type::Bool != cond {
return Err(Error::TypeMismatch { want: Type::Bool, got: cond });
let body_ty = body.resolve(resolver)?;
let else_ty = else_.resolve(resolver)?;
if body_ty == else_ty {
} else {
Err(Error::TypeMismatch { want: body_ty, got: else_ty })
impl Resolve for For {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let For { var: Identifier { name, index }, iter, body, else_ } = self;
debugln!("> for {name} in ...");
// Visit the iter expression and get its type
let range = iter.resolve(resolver)?;
let ty = match range {
Type::Range(t) => t,
got => Err(Error::TypeMismatch { want: Type::Range(Type::Inferred.into()), got })?,
let body_ty = {
let mut resolver = resolver.frame();
// bind the variable in the loop scope
*index = Some(resolver.insert_scope(name, false)?);
resolver.get_mut(name)?.assign(name, &ty)?;
body.resolve(&mut resolver)
// visit the else block
let else_ty = else_.resolve(resolver)?;
if body_ty != else_ty {
Err(Error::TypeMismatch { want: body_ty, got: else_ty })
} else {
impl Resolve for Else {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let Else { expr } = self;
impl Resolve for Continue {
fn resolve(&mut self, _resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
// TODO: Finish control flow
impl Resolve for Break {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
// TODO: Finish control flow
let Break { expr } = self;
impl Resolve for Return {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
// TODO: Finish control flow
let Return { expr } = self;
impl Resolve for Group {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
match self {
Group::Tuple(tuple) => tuple.resolve(resolver),
Group::Single(expr) => expr.resolve(resolver),
Group::Empty => Ok(Type::Empty),
mod ast2 {}
impl Resolve for Tuple {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let Tuple { elements } = self;
let mut types = vec![];
for expr in elements.iter_mut() {
impl Resolve for Identifier {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let Identifier { name, index: id_index } = self;
let Variable { index, status, .. } = resolver.get(name)?;
*id_index = Some(*index);
let ty = match status {
Status::Initialized(t) => t,
_ => Err(Error::Uninitialized(name.to_owned(), *index))?,
debugln!("ty> Resolved {} #{index}: {ty}", name);
impl Resolve for Literal {
fn resolve(&mut self, _resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
Ok(match self {
Literal::String(_) => Type::String,
Literal::Char(_) => Type::Char,
Literal::Bool(_) => Type::Bool,
Literal::Float(_) => Type::Float,
Literal::Int(_) => Type::Int,
impl Resolve for Flow {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
// TODO: Finish this
match self {
Flow::While(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Flow::If(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Flow::For(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Flow::Continue(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Flow::Return(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
Flow::Break(value) => value.resolve(resolver),
impl Resolve for While {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
// TODO: Finish this
// Visit else first, save that to a break-pattern stack in the Resolver,
// and check it inside Break::resolve()
let While { cond, body, else_ } = self;
cond.resolve(resolver)?; // must be Type::Bool
body.resolve(resolver)?; // discard
else_.resolve(resolver) // compare with returns inside body
impl Resolve for If {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let If { cond, body, else_ } = self;
let cond = cond.resolve(resolver)?;
if Type::Bool != cond {
return Err(Error::TypeMismatch { want: Type::Bool, got: cond });
let body_ty = body.resolve(resolver)?;
let else_ty = else_.resolve(resolver)?;
if body_ty == else_ty {
} else {
Err(Error::TypeMismatch { want: body_ty, got: else_ty })
impl Resolve for For {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let For { var: Identifier { name, index }, iter, body, else_ } = self;
debugln!("> for {name} in ...");
// Visit the iter expression and get its type
let range = iter.resolve(resolver)?;
let ty = match range {
Type::Range(t) => t,
got => Err(Error::TypeMismatch { want: Type::Range(Type::Inferred.into()), got })?,
let body_ty = {
let mut resolver = resolver.frame();
// bind the variable in the loop scope
*index = Some(resolver.insert_scope(name, false)?);
resolver.get_mut(name)?.assign(name, &ty)?;
body.resolve(&mut resolver)
// visit the else block
let else_ty = else_.resolve(resolver)?;
if body_ty != else_ty {
Err(Error::TypeMismatch { want: body_ty, got: else_ty })
} else {
impl Resolve for Else {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
let Else { expr } = self;
impl Resolve for Continue {
fn resolve(&mut self, _resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
// TODO: Finish control flow
impl Resolve for Break {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
// TODO: Finish control flow
let Break { expr } = self;
impl Resolve for Return {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
// TODO: Finish control flow
let Return { expr } = self;
// heakc yea man, generics
impl<T: Resolve> Resolve for Option<T> {
fn resolve(&mut self, resolver: &mut Resolver) -> TyResult<Type> {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user