mirror of https://github.com/JohnBreaux/Boat-Battle.git synced 2025-02-04 12:28:35 +00:00
tommy-l-ngo f9592f425e Commented my code
Deals with ship placement on board and ship rotation on board
2021-11-11 15:08:14 -06:00

220 lines
8.3 KiB

extends RigidBody2D
# Declare member variables here. Examples:
# var a = 2
# var b = "text"
var held = false
var originalPos # Position before moving the ship
var snapOriginalPos = false # Gets the original position
var vertical = true # Gets ship which is either vertical or horizonal
var startingPos # Starting position of ships before being placed
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
startingPos = position # Sets the position of ships when game is started to the startingPos variable
var click_radius = 16
var orient = 0;
func _input(event):
if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT:
if (event.position - position).length() < click_radius:
if not held and event.pressed:
held = true;
if held and not event.pressed:
held = false;
# If ship is placed on board, snap to board
if (position.x > 17.4 and position.x < 335.5) and (position.y > 20.2 and position.y < 335.5):
position = position.snapped(Vector2(32, 32)) + Vector2(4, 4) # Position snapping on board
else: # If not placed on board, ships are placed back at the starting position
if originalPos != null:
position = originalPos
rotation = 0
vertical = true
# Lines 40-98 make sure that the ships placed on the board are not able to hang off the board
# 2-Ship
if (get_parent().get_node("2Ship").rotation_degrees == 0):
if (get_parent().get_node("2Ship").position.y > 308):
position = originalPos
rotation = 0
vertical = true
if (get_parent().get_node("2Ship").rotation_degrees == -90):
if (get_parent().get_node("2Ship").position.x > 308):
position = originalPos
rotation = 0
vertical = true
# 3-Ship A
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").rotation_degrees == 0):
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").position.y > 308) or (get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").position.y < 52):
position = originalPos
rotation = 0
vertical = true
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").rotation_degrees == -90):
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").position.x > 308) or (get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").position.x < 52):
position = originalPos
rotation = 0
vertical = true
# 3-Ship B
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").rotation_degrees == 0):
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").position.y > 308) or (get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").position.y < 52):
position = originalPos
rotation = 0
vertical = true
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").rotation_degrees == -90):
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").position.x > 308) or (get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").position.x < 52):
position = originalPos
rotation = 0
vertical = true
# 4-Ship
if (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").rotation_degrees == 0):
if (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.y > 276.8) or (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.y < 52):
position = originalPos
rotation = 0
vertical = true
if (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").rotation_degrees == -90):
if (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.x > 276.8) or (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.x < 52):
position = originalPos
rotation = 0
vertical = true
# 5-Ship
if (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").rotation_degrees == 0):
if (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.y > 276.8) or (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.y < 84.8):
position = originalPos
rotation = 0
vertical = true
if (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").rotation_degrees == -90):
if (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.x > 276.8) or (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.x < 84.8):
position = originalPos
rotation = 0
vertical = true
if event is InputEventMouseMotion and held:
if snapOriginalPos == false:
originalPos = position
snapOriginalPos = true
position = event.position;
if event.is_action_pressed("ui_rotate"):
if held:
if checkOriginalPos():
if originalPos == null:
if position == originalPos:
elif(event.position - position).length() < click_radius:
if vertical == true:
vertical = false
vertical = true
# Lines 126-196 move the ship back accordingly after being rotated to make sure that the ships do not hang off the board
if(position.x > 17.4 and position.x < 335.5) and (position.y > 20.2 and position.y < 335.5):
# 2-Ship
if (get_parent().get_node("2Ship").rotation_degrees == 0):
if (get_parent().get_node("2Ship").position.y > 308):
get_parent().get_node("2Ship").position.y -= 32
if (get_parent().get_node("2Ship").rotation_degrees == -90):
if (get_parent().get_node("2Ship").position.x > 308):
get_parent().get_node("2Ship").position.x -= 32
# 3-Ship A
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").rotation_degrees == 0):
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").position.y > 308):
get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").position.y -= 32
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").position.y < 52):
get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").position.y += 32
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").rotation_degrees == -90):
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").position.x > 308):
get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").position.x -= 32
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").position.x < 52):
get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").position.x += 32
# 3-Ship B
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").rotation_degrees == 0):
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").position.y > 308):
get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").position.y -= 32
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").position.y < 52):
get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").position.y += 32
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").rotation_degrees == -90):
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").position.x > 308):
get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").position.x -= 32
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").position.x < 52):
get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").position.x += 32
# 4-Ship
if (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").rotation_degrees == 0):
if (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.y > 308.8):
get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.y -= 64;
elif (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.y > 276.8):
get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.y -= 32;
if (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.y < 52):
get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.y += 32
if (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").rotation_degrees == -90):
if (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.x > 308.8):
get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.x -= 64
elif (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.x > 276.8):
get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.x -= 32
if (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.x < 52):
get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.x += 32
# 5-Ship
if (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").rotation_degrees == 0):
if (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.y > 308.8):
get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.y -= 64
elif (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.y > 276.8):
get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.y -= 32
if (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.y < 52):
get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.y += 64
elif (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.y < 84.8):
get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.y += 32
if (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").rotation_degrees == -90):
if (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.x > 308.8):
get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.x -= 64
elif (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.x > 276.8):
get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.x -= 32
if (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.x < 52):
get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.x += 64
elif (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.x < 84.8):
get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.x += 32
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
#func _process(delta):
# pass
func pickup():
if held:
mode = RigidBody2D.MODE_STATIC
held = true
func drop(impulse=Vector2.ZERO):
if held:
mode = RigidBody2D.MODE_RIGID
held = false
snapOriginalPos = false
func checkOriginalPos(): # Checks whether the position of the ship is the stating position of the ship
if position == startingPos:
return true
return false