mirror of https://github.com/JohnBreaux/Boat-Battle.git synced 2025-02-04 12:28:35 +00:00

378 lines
12 KiB

extends Control
var debug_output
var debug_line = 0
var debug_canvas
var debug_transform
var debug_active = false
var menu_position = 0.0
var menu_velocity = 4
var history = []
var history_pos = 0
# helptext: args list and help blurb accessed by function name
var helptext = {
# command_id [args "Help text" ]
"command_help": [" [command]", "Print information about command.\n" ],
"command_history": ["", "Print the history log.\n" ],
"command_perf": [" stat", "Print performance info (fps, nodes, proctime, ... )\n" ],
"command_list": [" [path]", "List children of path, or of present working node.\n" ],
"command_start": [" filename", "Load PackedScene filename.tscn as child.\n" ],
"command_kill": [" name", "Kill child node with matching name.\n" ],
"command_pwd": ["", "Print the Present Working Node.\n" ],
"command_cd": [" path", "Change the Present Working Node to path.\n" ],
"command_print": [" string", "Print string to the in-game debug console.\n" ],
"command_clear": ["", "Clear the debug output.\n" ],
"command_emit": [" signal [message]", "Emit a message on MessageBus.signal without validation.\n"],
"command_call": [" func [args ...]", "Call func(...) with arguments args.\n" ],
"command_restart": ["", "Kill the current scene tree and plant a new Root.\n" ],
"command_exit": ["", "Quits the program.\n" ],
# List of debug commands accessed by alias
# The first alias is the canonical alias, aka command name
var commands = {
# [alias array]: "func_name"
["help", "h"]: "command_help",
["hist", "history"]: "command_history",
["perf", "performance"]: "command_perf",
["list", "ls", "l"]: "command_list",
["start", "open", "o"]: "command_start",
["kill", "stop", "k"]: "command_kill",
["pwd", "pwn"]: "command_pwd",
["cd", "cn"]: "command_cd",
["print", "p"]: "command_print",
["clear","cls"]: "command_clear",
["emit", "e"]: "command_emit",
["call", "func"]: "command_call",
["restart", "killall"]: "command_restart",
["exit", "quit"]: "command_exit",
onready var present_working_node = get_node("/root/Main")
# positions when the menu is hidden/active
var menu_hidden = Transform2D(Vector2(1,0), Vector2(0,1), Vector2(0,-170))
var menu_active = Transform2D(Vector2(1,0), Vector2(0,1), Vector2(0, 0))
# signals
# clear_in: clear the debug input
signal clear_in
# clear_out: clear the debug output
signal clear_out
# print_text(text): Send text to the Out buffer
signal print_text(text)
# history_event(text): Send text to the In buffer
signal history_event(text)
# Inherited functions:
# _ready: Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
# params: none
# returns: void
func _ready():
debug_canvas = get_node("debug_canvas")
debug_transform = debug_canvas.get_transform()
debug_output = get_node("debug_canvas/VBoxContainer/TextEdit")
debug_print_line("> ")
# _process: Called every frame. Controls slide-in animation and focus-grabbing
# params: delta: elapsed time
# returns: void
func _process(delta):
if (debug_active && menu_position < 1):
# Move the menu down
menu_position += menu_velocity * delta;
elif (!debug_active && menu_position > 0):
# Move the menu up
menu_position -= menu_velocity * delta;
# Clear the input box
menu_position = round(menu_position)
debug_canvas.set_transform(menu_hidden.interpolate_with(menu_active, menu_position))
# _input: Process user input related to the debug menu
# params: event: The input event which triggered _input call
# returns: void
func _input(event):
if event.is_action_pressed("ui_debug_open"):
# open debug menu
debug_active = !debug_active;
# Hand the keyboard focus to the next valid focus
if (!debug_active) && find_next_valid_focus(): find_next_valid_focus().grab_focus()
if event.is_action_pressed("ui_debug_up") and debug_active:
#traverse history up
if event.is_action_pressed("ui_debug_down") and debug_active:
#traverse history down
# Signal-processing functions:
# _on_LineEdit_text_entered: process incoming text line
# params: line: Line of text entered by user
# returns: void
func _on_LineEdit_text_entered(line):
debug_print_line(line + "\n")
var command = line.split(' ', true, 1)
var command_func = parse(command[0])
if command_func:
call(command_func, command)
debug_print_line("dbg: command not found: " + command[0] + "\n")
debug_print_line("> ")
# History_related helper functions:
# history_append: add a line of text to the history
# params: text: line of text (unparsed command) to add to history
# returns: void
func history_append(text):
history.resize(history_pos + 2)
history[history_pos] = text
history_pos += 1
# history_move: Traverse the history and update the user input box
# params: rel_pos: amount to move, relative to the current history_pos
# returns: void
func history_move(rel_pos):
var new_pos = history_pos + rel_pos
if new_pos >= 0 and new_pos < history.size():
history_pos = new_pos;
if history[history_pos]:
emit_signal("history_event", history[history_pos])
# Debug-related helper functions:
# debug_print_line: request printing of c-escaped text to debug output
# params: string: Text string to print
# returns: void
func debug_print_line(string):
emit_signal("print_text", string.c_unescape())
# complete_path: complete a relative or absolute path, and returns the node it refers to
# params: path: relative or absolute path to a node
# returns: void
func complete_path(path):
if path.is_rel_path(): # convert to absolute path
path = String(present_working_node.get_path()) + "/" + path
var node = get_node(path)
if node:
return node
return null
# Command-lookup functions:
# parse: parse command name and return associated func name
# params: alias: alias of a command
# returns: name of command function
func parse(alias):
var key = lookup(alias)
if key:
return commands[key]
return null
# name_lookup: find key associated with function name
# params: command_name: alias of a command
# returns: key: Array containing all aliases of the given command
func lookup(alias):
for key in commands.keys():
if alias in key:
return key
return null
# get_canonical: find the canonical name for a command
# params: alias: alias of a command
# returns: name: canonical name for a command
func get_canonical(alias):
var names = lookup(alias)
if names:
return names[0]
return null
# get_usage: Construct the usage string for a command
# params: alias: alias of a command
# returns: usage string for the command, formatted for printing
func get_usage(alias):
return "Usage: " + alias + helptext[parse(alias)][0] + "\n"
# Commands. All commands take in a parameter called command,
# which contains a partially tokenized command
# start: Loads scene from res://scenes/*.tscn by filename, and starts it
func command_start (command):
if command.size() > 1:
var pack = load("res://scenes/" + command[1] + ".tscn");
debug_print_line("start '" + command[1] + "'\n")
# stop: kills a child of current working node
func command_kill (command):
if command.size() > 1:
var node = present_working_node.find_node(command[1], false, false)
if node:
if String(node.get_path()).match("*Debug*"):
debug_print_line("YOU DIDN'T SAY THE MAGIC WORD!\n")
debug_print_line(command[1] + " killed\n")
debug_print_line(command[0] + ": " + command[1] + " not found.\n")
# list: Lists children of node
func command_list (command):
var node = null
if (command.size() > 1):
node = complete_path(command[1])
if (!node):
node = present_working_node
var children = node.get_children()
var names = []
for i in range (children.size()):
debug_print_line(String(names) + "\n")
# restart: Kills the current tree and replants Root
func command_restart (_command):
# print: prints a message to the in-game debug console
func command_print(command):
if command.size() > 1:
debug_print_line(command[1] + "\n")
# emit: emits a message onto the MessageBus
func command_emit (command):
if command.size() > 1:
var mbus_signal = command[1].split(' ', true, 1)
match mbus_signal.size():
debug_print_line("Message: " + String(mbus_signal) + "\n")
MessageBus.emit_signal(mbus_signal[0], mbus_signal[1])
debug_print_line("Message: " + String(mbus_signal) + "\n")
0: debug_print_line(get_usage(command[0]))
# clear: clears the debug output
func command_clear (_command):
# pwd: print the present working node's path
func command_pwd (_command):
debug_print_line(String(present_working_node.get_path()) + "\n")
# cd: change the present working node
func command_cd (command):
if command.size() > 1:
var node = complete_path(command[1])
if node:
present_working_node = node
debug_print_line (get_canonical(command[0]) + ': no such node: ' + command[1] + '\n')
# help: Prints help dialogue
func command_help (command):
if (command.size() == 1):
debug_print_line("Valid commands:\n")
for key in commands:
debug_print_line(key[0] + " ")
var command_func = parse(command[1])
var aliases
var text
if command_func in helptext:
text = helptext[command_func]
aliases = lookup(command[1])
debug_print_line(command[1] + text[0] + ":\n Aliases: " + String(aliases) + "\n "+ text[1])
debug_print_line(get_canonical(command[0]) + ": command not found: " + command[1] + "\n")
# exit: request program exit
func command_exit(_command):
# call: call arbitrary member function of present working node
func command_call(command):
if command.size() > 1:
var call_ret = null
var call_args = []
var call_cmd = command[1].split(' ', true, 1)
if call_cmd.size() > 1:
call_args = call_cmd[1].split(' ', false, 0)
if present_working_node.has_method(call_cmd[0]):
call_ret = present_working_node.callv(call_cmd[0], call_args)
debug_print_line("We're sorry, but your call could not be completed as dialed.\n"
+ "Please hang up and try your call again.\n")
if (call_ret):
debug_print_line("'" + String(call_ret) + "'\n")
# history: print the command history
func command_history(_command):
var lnum = 0
for line in history:
if line:
debug_print_line(String(lnum) + ": " + line + "\n")
lnum += 1
debug_print_line("history_pos = " + String(history_pos) + "\n")
# perf: Print the value of a Godot Engine performance counter
func command_perf(command):
if command.size() > 1:
var stat = perf(command[1])
if stat:
debug_print_line(String(stat) + "\n")
func perf(attribute):
if attribute.is_valid_integer():
return Performance.get_monitor(int(attribute))
match attribute:
return Performance.get_monitor(Performance.TIME_FPS)
return Performance.get_monitor(Performance.TIME_PROCESS)
return Performance.get_monitor(Performance.OBJECT_COUNT)
return Performance.get_monitor(Performance.OBJECT_NODE_COUNT)
return Performance.get_monitor(Performance.OBJECT_RESOURCE_COUNT)
return ""