extends Control # Signal to pass the fire location back to parent signal fire_at var atlas = preload("res://assets/game/HitMissAtlas.png") var sprites = [] var hits # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): print("Fire: _ready()") for x in 10: for y in 10: texture(Vector2(x,y)) pass # Replace with function body. func _on_Fire_pressed(): var crosshair = get_node("Crosshair") # Check if the crosshair is in a valid position if crosshair.validate_position(crosshair.position): var crosshair_pos = crosshair.world_to_board_space(crosshair.position) if(hits[crosshair_pos.x][crosshair_pos.y] == 0): # fires at position emit_signal("fire_at", crosshair_pos) return #if invalid position popup appears var dialog = get_node("FireDialog") dialog.popup_centered() func _on_FireDialog_confirmed(): get_node("Crosshair").visible = true const OFFSET = Vector2(18, 18) func texture(index): if(hits[index.x][index.y] != 0): var textureSize = 32 # It's okay to create a new texture every time, as resources are refcounted var t = AtlasTexture.new() t.set_atlas(atlas) t.margin = Rect2(0, 0, 0, 0) t.region = Rect2( 0 if(hits[index.x][index.y] < 0) else textureSize, 0, textureSize, textureSize ) # Create a new Sprite to house the texture, or use the existing sprite var sprite = Sprite.new() sprite.texture = t sprite.position = Vector2(index.x, index.y) * textureSize + OFFSET $board_blue.add_child(sprite)