extends Control # Declare member variables here. var debug_output var debug_line = 0 var debug_canvas var debug_transform var debug_active = false var menu_position = 0.0 var menu_velocity = 4 # positions when the menu is hidden/active var menu_hidden = Transform2D(Vector2(1,0), Vector2(0,1), Vector2(0,-170)) var menu_active = Transform2D(Vector2(1,0), Vector2(0,1), Vector2(0, 0)) # signals signal clear_in signal clear_out signal print_text(text) # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): debug_canvas = get_node("debug_canvas") debug_transform = debug_canvas.get_transform() debug_output = get_node("debug_canvas/VBoxContainer/TextEdit") # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _process(delta): if (debug_active && menu_position < 1): menu_position += menu_velocity * delta; elif (!debug_active && menu_position > 0): menu_position -= menu_velocity * delta; else: menu_position = round(menu_position) debug_canvas.set_transform(menu_hidden.interpolate_with(menu_active, menu_position)) func _input(event): if event.is_action_pressed("ui_debug"): # open debug menu debug_active = !debug_active; func _on_LineEdit_text_entered(line): emit_signal("clear_in") debug_print_line("") var command = line.split(' ', true, 1) match command[0]: "start", "s": command_start(command) "stop", "kill", "k": command_stop(command) "list", "ls", "l": command_list(command) "restart", "killall": command_restart(command) "print", "p": command_print(command) "raw_emit", "emit", "r", "e": # Send a signal over the MessageBus command_emit(command) "clear","cls": # Clear the output command_clear(command) "help", "h": command_help(command) _: debug_print_line("Command not recognized.\n") func debug_print_line(string): emit_signal("print_text", string.c_unescape()) # Commands # start: Loads scene from res://scenes/*.tscn by filename, and starts it func command_start (command): if command.size() > 1: MessageBus.emit_signal("start_tcsn", command[1]) debug_print_line("start '" + command[1] + "'\n") else: debug_print_line("Usage: start scene") # stop: Stops scene by name of root node. func command_stop (command): if command.size() > 1 and command[1] != "Debug": MessageBus.emit_signal("kill_scene", command[1]) debug_print_line("kill '" + command[1] + "'\n") else: debug_print_line("Usage: kill scene") # list: Lists names of active scenes (children of Root) func command_list (command): debug_print_line("list: ") MessageBus.emit_signal("list_scenes") # restart: Kills the current tree and replants Root func command_restart (command): MessageBus.emit_signal("return_to_title") # print: prints a message to the in-game debug console func command_print(command): if command.size() > 1: debug_print_line(command[1] + "\n") # emit: emits a message onto the MessageBus (!Extremely Danger!) func command_emit (command): var mbus_signal = command[1].split(' ', true, 1) match mbus_signal.size(): 2: debug_print_line("Message: " + String(mbus_signal) + "\n") MessageBus.emit_signal(mbus_signal[0], mbus_signal[1]) 1: debug_print_line("Message: " + String(mbus_signal) + "\n") MessageBus.emit_signal(mbus_signal[0]) 0: debug_print_line( "Usage: raw_emit signal [value]\n") # clear: clears the debug output func command_clear (command): emit_signal("clear_out"); # help: Prints help dialogue func command_help (command): if (command.size() == 1): debug_print_line("Ship's Commander V0.1\n") debug_print_line("Valid commands:\nstart, stop, list, restart, print, emit, clear, help\n") else: debug_print_line(command[1]) match command[1]: "start", "s": debug_print_line(" filename\nAliases: 'start', 's'\n") debug_print_line("Loads and runs the scene filename.tscn\n") "stop", "kill", "k": debug_print_line(" scene\nAliases: 'stop', 'kill', 'k'\n") debug_print_line("Kills an active scene whose name matches node.\n") "list", "ls", "l": debug_print_line("\nAliases: 'list', 'ls', 'l'\n") debug_print_line("Lists the currently active scenes\n") "restart", "killall": debug_print_line("\nAliases: 'restart', 'killall'\n") debug_print_line("Kills the current scene tree and plants a new Root.\n") "print", "p": debug_print_line(" string\nAliases: 'print', 'p'\n") debug_print_line("Prints a string to the in-game debug console\n") "raw_emit", "emit", "r", "e": debug_print_line(" signal [message]\nAliases: 'raw_emit', 'emit', 'r', 'e'\n") debug_print_line("Puts a message on the MessageBus without validation.\n") "clear","cls": debug_print_line("\nAliases: 'clear', 'cls'\n") debug_print_line("Clears the debug output.\n") "help", "h": debug_print_line(" [command]\nAliases: 'help', 'h'\n") debug_print_line("Prints information about a command.\n") _: debug_print_line(command[1] + "\nIsn't a valid command\n") debug_print_line("\n")