mirror of https://github.com/JohnBreaux/Boat-Battle.git synced 2025-02-04 12:28:35 +00:00

Collision is good

This commit is contained in:
John 2021-11-12 01:57:15 -06:00
parent 9ecf401efa
commit f40bf520d4
3 changed files with 145 additions and 220 deletions

View File

@ -99,8 +99,3 @@ contact_monitor = true
[connection signal="pressed" from="VBoxContainer/Forfeit" to="." method="_on_Forfeit_pressed"] [connection signal="pressed" from="VBoxContainer/Forfeit" to="." method="_on_Forfeit_pressed"]
[connection signal="about_to_show" from="ConfirmationDialog" to="." method="_on_ConfirmationDialog_about_to_show"] [connection signal="about_to_show" from="ConfirmationDialog" to="." method="_on_ConfirmationDialog_about_to_show"]
[connection signal="body_entered" from="2Ship" to="." method="_on_2Ship_body_entered"]
[connection signal="body_entered" from="3ShipA" to="." method="_on_3ShipA_body_entered"]
[connection signal="body_entered" from="3ShipB" to="." method="_on_3ShipB_body_entered"]
[connection signal="body_entered" from="4Ship" to="." method="_on_4Ship_body_entered"]
[connection signal="body_entered" from="5Ship" to="." method="_on_5Ship_body_entered"]

View File

@ -1,48 +1,13 @@
extends Control extends Control
signal two_ship_collide
signal three_shipA_collide
signal three_shipB_collide
signal four_ship_collide
signal five_ship_collide
# Declare member variables here. Examples:
# var a = 2
# var b = "text"
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready(): func _ready():
if find_next_valid_focus(): find_next_valid_focus().grab_focus() if find_next_valid_focus(): find_next_valid_focus().grab_focus()
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
#func _process(delta):
# pass
func _on_Forfeit_pressed(): func _on_Forfeit_pressed():
AudioBus.emit_signal("button_clicked") AudioBus.emit_signal("button_clicked")
queue_free(); queue_free();
MessageBus.emit_signal("change_scene", "Title") MessageBus.emit_signal("change_scene", "Title")
func _on_2Ship_body_entered(body):
var _errno = emit_signal("two_ship_collide", "2Ship")
print("Emitting two_ship_collide")
func _on_3ShipA_body_entered(body):
emit_signal("three_shipA_collide", "3ShipA")
print("Emitting three_shipA_collide")
func _on_3ShipB_body_entered(body):
emit_signal("three_shipB_collide", "3ShipA")
print("Emitting three_shipB_collide")
func _on_4Ship_body_entered(body):
emit_signal("four_ship_collide", "4Ship")
print("Emitting four_ship_collide")
func _on_5Ship_body_entered(body):
emit_signal("five_ship_collide", "5Ship")
print("Emitting five_ship_collide")

View File

@ -1,110 +1,59 @@
extends RigidBody2D extends RigidBody2D
# Declare member variables here. Examples:
# var a = 2
# var b = "text"
var held = false var held = false
var originalPos var originalPos
var snapOriginalPos = false var snapOriginalPos = false
var mousePos
var vertical = true var vertical = true
var startingPos var startingPos
# Ships are all named starting with their length,
# So we cast from string to int, on the ship name, and get the length
onready var ship_length = int(name)
var collision = false
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready(): func _ready():
# Snap the ships to the grid, so the engine won't get mad when they're moved away from the starting position every frame
position = (position - offset).snapped(Vector2(32, 32)) + offset
startingPos = position startingPos = position
var _errno = 0 var _trash
_errno = find_parent("Game").connect("two_ship_collide", self, "if_ship_stacked") # Connect to my own signals, and not the signals of my fellowships
_errno = find_parent("Game").connect("three_shipA_collide", self, "if_ship_stacked") # PLEASE don't parameterize; there's no way to tell these signals apart with the args the engine provides.
_errno = find_parent("Game").connect("three_shipB_collide", self, "if_ship_stacked") _trash = connect("body_entered", self, "ship_stacked")
_errno = find_parent("Game").connect("four_ship_collide", self, "if_ship_stacked") _trash = connect("body_exited", self, "ship_unstacked")
_errno = find_parent("Game").connect("five_ship_collide", self, "if_ship_stacked")
# Radius of the "knob" on the center of each ship
var click_radius = 16 var click_radius = 16
var orient = 0;
func _input(event): func _input(event):
if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT: if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT:
if (event.position - position).length() < click_radius: if (event.position - position).length() < click_radius:
if not held and event.pressed: if not held and event.pressed:
AudioBus.emit_signal("button_clicked") AudioBus.emit_signal("button_clicked")
held = true; pickup()
if held and not event.pressed: if held and not event.pressed:
held = false; drop()
if (position.x > 17.4 and position.x < 335.5) and (position.y > 20.2 and position.y < 335.5): # Convert the center of this piece to board-space
position = position.snapped(Vector2(32, 32)) + Vector2(4, 4) var bs_position = world_to_board_space(position)
else: # Check whether the piece is within half a board-space of the grid (-0.5, 9.5)
if not (bs_position.x > -0.5 and bs_position.x < 9.5 and bs_position.y > -0.5 and bs_position.y < 9.5):
# if not (position.x > 17.4 and position.x < 335.5) and (position.y > 20.2 and position.y < 335.5):
if originalPos != null: if originalPos != null:
position = originalPos collision = true
rotation = 0 rotation = 0
vertical = true vertical = true
# 2-Ship
if (get_parent().get_node("2Ship").rotation_degrees == 0):
if (get_parent().get_node("2Ship").position.y > 308):
position = originalPos
rotation = 0
vertical = true
if (get_parent().get_node("2Ship").rotation_degrees == -90):
if (get_parent().get_node("2Ship").position.x > 308):
position = originalPos
rotation = 0
vertical = true
# 3-Ship A
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").rotation_degrees == 0):
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").position.y > 308) or (get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").position.y < 52):
position = originalPos
rotation = 0
vertical = true
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").rotation_degrees == -90):
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").position.x > 308) or (get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").position.x < 52):
position = originalPos
rotation = 0
vertical = true
# 3-Ship B
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").rotation_degrees == 0):
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").position.y > 308) or (get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").position.y < 52):
position = originalPos
rotation = 0
vertical = true
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").rotation_degrees == -90):
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").position.x > 308) or (get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").position.x < 52):
position = originalPos
rotation = 0
vertical = true
# 4-Ship
if (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").rotation_degrees == 0):
if (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.y > 276.8) or (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.y < 52):
position = originalPos
rotation = 0
vertical = true
if (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").rotation_degrees == -90):
if (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.x > 276.8) or (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.x < 52):
position = originalPos
rotation = 0
vertical = true
# 5-Ship
if (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").rotation_degrees == 0):
if (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.y > 276.8) or (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.y < 84.8):
position = originalPos
rotation = 0
vertical = true
if (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").rotation_degrees == -90):
if (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.x > 276.8) or (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.x < 84.8):
position = originalPos
rotation = 0
vertical = true
if event is InputEventMouseMotion and held: if event is InputEventMouseMotion and held:
if snapOriginalPos == false: if snapOriginalPos == false:
originalPos = position originalPos = position
snapOriginalPos = true snapOriginalPos = true
position = event.position; # Save the moise position, so _physics_process can use it
mousePos = event.position;
if event.is_action_pressed("ui_rotate"): if event.is_action_pressed("ui_rotate"):
if held: if held:
@ -117,112 +66,128 @@ func _input(event):
if position == originalPos: if position == originalPos:
return return
elif(event.position - position).length() < click_radius: elif(event.position - position).length() < click_radius:
if vertical == true: # Rotation has been moved to _physics_process,
rotation = (-PI/2) # as per recommendation of godot_engine.org
vertical = false #rotation = (-PI/2)
vertical = not vertical
# Offset from the corner of the screen to the corner of the board
const offset = Vector2(36, 36)
# The previous verticality of the object
var prev_vertical = true
# The previous position of the object
var prev_position = Vector2(0,0)
# The number of frames after an object is released to check for physics updates
var released = 0
# _physics_process: called in place of the physics processor
# Checks collision and updates the position and rotation of the object
func _physics_process(_delta):
# calculate whether the piece has been rotated or moved
var rotated = prev_vertical != vertical
var moved = prev_position != position
# If the piece is held, move it to the mouse:
if held and mousePos and mousePos != position:
position = mousePos
mousePos = null
# Snap it to the grid if not held (and previously moved)
if not held and moved:
position = (position - offset).snapped(Vector2(32, 32)) + offset
prev_position = position
# Check collisions after released, reset if colliding
if collision and released:
position = startingPos
# If it's been moved or rotated, snap it to the board
if released or rotated:
# check whether the ends of the piece are within the board
var linear_move = check_extents(position, vertical, ship_length)
# if not, move them back inside
if linear_move:
if vertical:
position += 32 * Vector2(0, linear_move)
else: else:
rotation = 0 position += 32 * Vector2(linear_move, 0)
vertical = true pass
if(position.x > 17.4 and position.x < 335.5) and (position.y > 20.2 and position.y < 335.5): # Rotate if the piece needs to be rotated
# 2-Ship if rotated:
if (get_parent().get_node("2Ship").rotation_degrees == 0): prev_vertical = vertical
if (get_parent().get_node("2Ship").position.y > 308): rotation = -PI/2 * int(not vertical) # int(true) == 1, int(false) == 0
get_parent().get_node("2Ship").position.y -= 32
if (get_parent().get_node("2Ship").rotation_degrees == -90):
if (get_parent().get_node("2Ship").position.x > 308):
get_parent().get_node("2Ship").position.x -= 32
# 3-Ship A # Count down the number of physics timesteps left until the piece can stop processing
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").rotation_degrees == 0): if released > 0:
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").position.y > 308): released = released - 1
get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").position.y -= 32
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").position.y < 52):
get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").position.y += 32
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").rotation_degrees == -90):
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").position.x > 308):
get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").position.x -= 32
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").position.x < 52):
get_parent().get_node("3ShipA").position.x += 32
# 3-Ship B
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").rotation_degrees == 0):
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").position.y > 308):
get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").position.y -= 32
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").position.y < 52):
get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").position.y += 32
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").rotation_degrees == -90):
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").position.x > 308):
get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").position.x -= 32
if (get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").position.x < 52):
get_parent().get_node("3ShipB").position.x += 32
# 4-Ship
if (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").rotation_degrees == 0):
if (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.y > 308.8):
get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.y -= 64;
elif (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.y > 276.8):
get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.y -= 32;
if (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.y < 52):
get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.y += 32
if (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").rotation_degrees == -90):
if (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.x > 308.8):
get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.x -= 64
elif (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.x > 276.8):
get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.x -= 32
if (get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.x < 52):
get_parent().get_node("4Ship").position.x += 32
# 5-Ship
if (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").rotation_degrees == 0):
if (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.y > 308.8):
get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.y -= 64
elif (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.y > 276.8):
get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.y -= 32
if (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.y < 52):
get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.y += 64
elif (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.y < 84.8):
get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.y += 32
if (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").rotation_degrees == -90):
if (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.x > 308.8):
get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.x -= 64
elif (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.x > 276.8):
get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.x -= 32
if (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.x < 52):
get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.x += 64
elif (get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.x < 84.8):
get_parent().get_node("5Ship").position.x += 32
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
#func _process(delta):
# pass
func pickup(): func pickup():
if held: if not held:
return raise() # Render this ship on top of other ships
mode = RigidBody2D.MODE_STATIC held = true # mark it as held
held = true collision = false # Assume we're not colliding by default
func drop(impulse=Vector2.ZERO): func drop():
if held: if held:
mode = RigidBody2D.MODE_RIGID released = 1 # mark the node as released
apply_central_impulse(impulse) held = false # mark the node as not held
held = false
snapOriginalPos = false snapOriginalPos = false
func checkOriginalPos(): func checkOriginalPos():
if position == startingPos: return position == startingPos
return true
# Called when *this* ship collides with another ship
func ship_stacked(_body):
collision = true
# Called when *this* ship stops colliding with another ship
func ship_unstacked(_body):
collision = false
# Calculate the extents (front to back) of the ship and check whether they're on the board
# Returns how many squares to move the ship along its orientation axis (positive or negative)
func check_extents(center, orientation, length):
center = world_to_board_space(center) # Convert to board-space (0-10)
print("Center: ", center)
# Calculate the position of the front of the ship
# Orientation is true when the ship is vertical
var bow = vectorget(center, orientation) - floor((length - 1) / 2)
print("Bow: ", bow)
# if out of bounds, return how much to move the ship by
if bow < 0:
print("return: ", -bow)
return -bow
# Calculate the position of the rear of the ship
var stern = vectorget(center, orientation) + floor(length / 2)
print("Stern: ", stern)
# If out of bounds, return how much to move the ship by
if stern >= 10:
print("return: ", -(stern - 9))
return -(stern - 9)
print("return: ", 0)
return 0
# Convert the world-space coordinates to positions on the board
func world_to_board_space(vector):
# Do math
var res = (vector - offset) / 32 # Subtract the distance between the screen corner and square (0,0)
return res
# Inverse of the above function.
func board_to_world_space(vector):
# Do math
var res = (vector * 32) + offset #Invert the above function
return res #Truncate decimals
# index a Vector2 like an array
# Why is this needed?
# So we can discard the unimportant axis! (a ship is always 1 unit wide!)
func vectorget(vector, axis):
if axis:
return vector.y
else: else:
return false return vector.x
func if_ship_stacked(ship):
if !held && ship == name:
position = startingPos
rotation = 0
print("we colliding over here")