mirror of https://github.com/JohnBreaux/Boat-Battle.git synced 2025-02-04 12:28:35 +00:00

Make the debug menu even more dangerously powerful. Added: exec, listprops, getprop, setprop

This commit is contained in:
John 2021-11-08 11:50:14 -06:00
parent ff26e67be8
commit 89aa8a6b14

View File

@ -10,30 +10,37 @@ var menu_velocity = 4
var history = []
var history_pos = 0
onready var expression = Expression.new()
# helptext: args list and help blurb accessed by function name
var helptext = {
# command_id [args "Help text" ]
"command_help": [" [command]", "Print information about command.\n" ],
"command_history": ["", "Print the history log.\n" ],
"command_perf": [" stat", "Print performance info (fps, nodes, proctime, ... )\n" ],
# command_id [args "Help text" ]
"command_help": [" [command]", "Print information about command.\n" ],
"command_history": ["", "Print the history log.\n" ],
"command_perf": [" stat", "Print performance info (fps, nodes, proctime, ... )\n" ],
"command_list": [" [path]", "List children of path, or of present working node.\n" ],
"command_start": [" filename", "Load PackedScene filename.tscn as child.\n" ],
"command_kill": [" name", "Kill child node with matching name.\n" ],
"command_list": [" [path]", "List children of path, or of present working node.\n" ],
"command_start": [" filename", "Load PackedScene filename.tscn as child.\n" ],
"command_kill": [" name", "Kill child node with matching name.\n" ],
"command_pwd": ["", "Print the Present Working Node.\n" ],
"command_cd": [" path", "Change the Present Working Node to path.\n" ],
"command_pwd": ["", "Print the Present Working Node.\n" ],
"command_cd": [" path", "Change the Present Working Node to path.\n" ],
"command_print": [" string", "Print string to the in-game debug console.\n" ],
"command_clear": ["", "Clear the debug output.\n" ],
"command_print": [" string", "Print string to the in-game debug console.\n" ],
"command_clear": ["", "Clear the debug output.\n" ],
"command_emit": [" signal [message]", "Emit a message on MessageBus.signal without validation.\n"],
"command_call": [" func [args ...]", "Call func(...) with arguments args.\n" ],
"command_exec": [" expression ...", "Evaluate an arbitrary expression, and print the result.\n"],
# }
"command_listprops": ["", "List properties of the Present Working Node\n" ],
"command_getprop": [" prop", "Get the value of property prop\n" ],
"command_setprop": [" prop value", "Set the property prop to value.\n" ],
"command_emit": [" signal [message]", "Emit a message on MessageBus.signal without validation.\n"],
"command_call": [" func [args ...]", "Call func(...) with arguments args.\n" ],
"command_restart": ["", "Kill the current scene tree and plant a new Root.\n" ],
"command_exit": ["", "Quits the program.\n" ],
"command_restart": ["", "Kill the current scene tree and plant a new Root.\n" ],
"command_exit": ["", "Quits the program.\n" ],
"command_empty": ["", "No Operation.\n" ],
"command_empty": ["", "No Operation.\n" ],
# List of debug commands accessed by alias
@ -56,6 +63,11 @@ var commands = {
["emit", "e"]: "command_emit",
["call", "func"]: "command_call",
["exec", "_", "$", ">"]: "command_exec",
["listprops", "lsp"]: "command_listprops",
["getprop","get", "g"]: "command_getprop",
["setprop","set", "s"]: "command_setprop",
["restart", "killall"]: "command_restart",
["exit", "quit"]: "command_exit",
@ -63,6 +75,13 @@ var commands = {
[""]: "command_empty"
#List of all of Godot's builtin types
var types = ["nil", "bool","int","float","String","Vector2","Rect2",
onready var present_working_node = get_node("/root/Main")
# positions when the menu is hidden/active
@ -214,6 +233,79 @@ func get_canonical(alias):
func get_usage(alias):
return "Usage: " + alias + helptext[parse(alias)][0] + "\n"
# String casting functions
# variant_to_string: Cast arbitrary GDScript Variant to String
# params: variant: variant to cast
# returns: String representing the Variant as closely as possible
func variant_to_string(variant):
var res
match typeof(variant):
res = "null"
TYPE_OBJECT: #No conversion from object to string; a unique case.
if (variant):
res = variant.to_string()
res = "Object = null"
res = String(variant)
return res
# string_to_variant: Cast a string to a specified GDScript type
# params: string: string to be cast
# type: type to cast string to
# returns: GDScript Variant of given type
func string_to_variant(string, type):
var res = null
var list = listify_string(string)
match type:
res = null
match string.to_lower():
"true", "1", "ok":
res = true
res = false
res = int(string)
res = float(string)
res = string
res = Color(string)
res = NodePath(string)
res = list
res = PoolByteArray(list)
res = PoolIntArray(list)
res = PoolRealArray(list)
res = list
res = PoolColorArray(list)
debug_print_line("No cast from String to " + types[typeof(type)] + "\n")
return res
# listify_string: takes a string and turns it into a list, by splitting on commas and/or spaces
# params: string: string to be made into a list
# returns: PoolStringArray containing substrings of the list
func listify_string(string):
var res = []
if string.findn(', ') > -1:
res = string.split(', ', true, 0)
elif string.findn(',') > -1:
res = string.split(',', true, 0)
res = string.split(' ', true, 0)
return res
# Commands. All commands take in a parameter called command,
# which contains a partially tokenized command
# start: Loads scene from res://scenes/*.tscn by filename, and starts it
@ -334,10 +426,49 @@ func command_call(command):
debug_print_line("We're sorry, but your call could not be completed as dialed.\n"
+ "Please hang up and try your call again.\n")
if (call_ret != null):
debug_print_line(String(call_ret) + "\n")
debug_print_line(variant_to_string(call_ret) + "\n")
# exec: execute an arbitrary GDScript expression as present working node
func command_exec(command):
if command.size() > 1:
var res
var err = expression.parse(command[1])
if err == OK:
res = expression.execute([], present_working_node, false);
if expression.has_execute_failed():
debug_print_line(command[0] + ": command not found: " + command[1])
res = ""
res = expression.get_error_text()
debug_print_line(variant_to_string(res) + "\n")
# listprops: list properties (variables) of present working node
func command_listprops(_command):
var proplist = present_working_node.get_property_list()
debug_print_line(String(proplist) + "\n")
# getprop: get the value of a named property of the present working node
func command_getprop(command):
if command.size() > 1 && command[1].is_valid_identifier():
var res = present_working_node.get(command[1])
debug_print_line(variant_to_string(res) + "\n")
# setprop: set the value of a named property of the present working node
func command_setprop(command):
if command.size() > 1:
var prop = command[1].split(' ', true, 1)
if prop.size() > 1 && prop[0].is_valid_identifier():
var type = typeof(present_working_node.get(prop[0]))
var variant = string_to_variant(prop[1], type)
if typeof(variant) > TYPE_NIL:
present_working_node.set(prop[0], string_to_variant(prop[1], type))