Write a WebGL program that implements Michael Barnsley's 'chaos game'. See this link (Links to an external site.) for more information.
Submit your HTML and js files on Canvas
# Program 3
Make a rotating Pendulum
### Problem Statement:
Write a WebGL program that displays a rotating pendulum.
The pendulum bob is free to rotate through 360 degrees about an anchor point at the center of the canvas. The pendulum has the following three components:
1) The anchor point is a green square centered at the origin (0,0), with point size = 5 pixels.
2) The bob is a blue hexagon of radius r=0.1. Render this with a triangle fan centered at the origin (along with a ModelView matrix that translates and rotates).
3) The bob is attached to the anchor point by a rigid red wire of length l=0.8.
Use global variables for the point size of the anchor, the radius of the bob, the length of the wire, and the angular velocity of rotation in degrees per second. Set the initial angular velocity to 45 (degrees per second) and allow an interactive user to increase or decrease the value in multiples of 10 degrees per second with button presses.